We flew to London Wednesday. We planned to visit Taunte Truta,
We had business meetings in Aylmer and Cambridge. Our Cambridge business friend introduced us to Glenn and to the Coping Center in Cambridge, an organization dedicated to help families deal with grief and help them mourn their loss. Is there a need for such a centre in Winnipeg?
After fighting Toronto traffic for 2 hours we had supper with Alayna before she went to work. Something in my food did not agree with me.
Saturday we spent the day with Alayna. Lunch at the market and then Toronto Zoo for the afternoon. That Zoo has to be one of the best in the world. Lots of greenspace, trees & valleys and animals from around the world including camel rides for those so inclined.
Supper at The House On Parliament was fabulous. Then time to say goodbye again and "auf viedersehen"
This morning we wanted to see Aunt Esther
Our church was on board Westjet with Lorna Dueck's "Listen Up" broadcast. Her guests included Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi and Eugene Peterson talking about the Bible and how it has changed the world.
After that we watched "The Hour of Power". They had Evangelist Jay Lawder on the program with a good solid message. They spent a lot of time begging for money.
''The Best Life Possible" who wants that? Jesus said Love God and others. Then you will have the best life possible.
Commandment six: Don't kill. Jesus said don't use words to kill. The power of words. Words can kill. Words have the Power to give Life. ''You saved my life" with words of life from the Hour of Power. People need Words of Life. Dream Center of LA is helping many people in LA. So many people have been saved. One man was shot and left for dead. Then restored through his wife's prayers.
John 11 The Story of Lazarus. Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the Life" His sisters called Jesus expecting him to hurry on over and help them. But Lazarus died. Jesus did not come. Why not? Why not? Where is Jesus when your kids fall into substance abuse?
When Jesus finally showed up he asked- Do you believe? Jesus asked to go to the tomb. Open it up! No way! He's been left for dead for 4 days.
Jesus says "Come out of the tomb of your pain". Accept Jesus' resurrection power today.