Sunday, October 04, 2015

His Story The Great Escape

Choir: As I went down to the river to pray

Dave & Louise Sinclair Peters missionary to Thailand
Genesis 37-50, Exodus 1-2, Romans 9, 5:1-11

Baptism at One88 video.

Mid week community starting on Tuesday Oct 13
Men's breakfast Wednesday 7AM

Dave & Louise:
Love the cool autumn weather.
God made a covenant. He binds himself to Abraham.
Abraham has a messed up family. Skip the football. Read the story.
Exodus. God's family has been enslaved. 2.23-25
They were groaning crying out to God. They were in pain. God remembers his covenant. He raises a leader. Moses. Grew up in the palace.

There are thousands of Burmese people in Thailand. They have rescued thousands. Video of trip.

The camera man intimidated the monks. But they still would not give pastor Isaiah freedom to preach. His aunt offered to sell them 5 acres for a demonstration farm. That is now the venue to reach the community.

4 weeks ago they went to pick up a new believer and baptised him.

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