Sunday, October 25, 2015


Brian Hamilton
When you come together remember Jesus and his sacrifice.
We don't become Christian because we have a list or are born into a Christian family. We are saved only by the mercy of God. United in Christ. Supper in the Bible designates the main meal of the day. The evening sit down for a leisurely meal. Connected with others because of Jesus and his fellowship.
The early church had a custom of a LOVE Feast. Everyone brought food.

In Corinth something went sadly wrong. The rich brought rich foods and refused to share. The poor got nothing. Paul told them to stay home if that's how they wanted to treat others.

Look inwardly
Look backwards
Look forward
Examine yourself. Look at your life. Not about not being worthy. None of us deserves the Lord's table. Then no one would ever take part in it. If we continue to harbor sin we should confess and clean it up. Our generosity should make sure there are no needy among us.
The Passover is the thanksgiving of Jewish culture. It is a time if feasting. Acts 2.46 They had their meals together with thankful hearts.
Look within. Am I living as I should? What can I give back to God for what he has done for me?

Look backwards. Remember those who have gone before. Remembrance day. That's what the Lord's supper is about. We follow Jesus through the agony of the trial and the cross. The shedding of his blood for us.

Look forward. Am I living to honour God? Do I remember what Jesus did? Do we anticipate him coming again?

The Lord's supper reminds us that we will reign with him forever and ever. There will be a point when evil will be removed.

Thank you Lord for giving us the privilege of coming to celebrate the Lord's table. Help us to remember your sacrifice.
Jesus instituted this celebration himself. As we eat the bread and drink this cup we remember Jesus and what he has done for us. We come to this table because we are imperfect. All disciples are invited. As we have named Jesus as our Saviour we are invited.
For I pass on to you what I received from the Lord himself. On the night when he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and said, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me."  In the same way, he took the cup of wine after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood. Do this to remember me as often as you drink it."  For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord's death until he comes again.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thanks Giving

People's Church Falcon Lake
1st Thessalonians 5:18
3 levels of thanksgiving in Scripture

Give thanks in all circumstances. 41 year old passed away suddenly. Another family is broken. Cancer and rebellious children.

Thanksgiving is the healthiest of human emotions.
A researcher found all his rats dead from stress. Gratitude produces more good hormones than anything.
Grumpy people drain our energy.
Thanksgiving is Spiritually healthy.
Psalm 100

1. Natural Thanksgiving. Pilgrims gave thanks for surviving a year. Martin Frobisher in 1575 celebrated thanksgiving in Canada.
The seasons work and we have a fertile land. God has blessed us.
We are more blessed than most of the world. If you have money in your pocket you are richer than 92% of the world. How many times have you thanked God for your socks? A Cuban pastor took a long time to absorb the newness of the socks. Mark 30 in Zambia is now an old man where life expectancy is 38. They live on $0.70 /day.

How often do we thank God for our natural provisions?

2. Outlandish Thanksgiving
There are many things that make us anxious. Child not walking with the Lord.
Do we grit our teeth to not be anxious? There is a big word BUT in all things GIVE THANKS TO GOD. What threatens me does not threaten God. Give everything to God.
Lord thank you for your sufficiency in this situation. Trust and gratitude to God are the hallmarks of God. When you look back did you realize the sufficiency of God?
Psalm David says I'm drowning in sorrow. Headed for destruction.  V5 but I have trusted in the Lord my God. Phil 4 by prayer and petition.

You'll experiences God's peace. Beyond understanding.

When Jesus was in the threshold of agony he gave thanks. At the last supper.

3. Supernatural Thanksgiving
When the lights go off or we hit fog in life we can give thanks working out God's purposes in life.

The essence of thanksgiving is to trust God. In all circumstances. Peace.

Thank you thank you thank you is the language of the Christian.

Father bring us genuine deep thanksgiving.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Amen.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

His Story The Great Escape

Choir: As I went down to the river to pray

Dave & Louise Sinclair Peters missionary to Thailand
Genesis 37-50, Exodus 1-2, Romans 9, 5:1-11

Baptism at One88 video.

Mid week community starting on Tuesday Oct 13
Men's breakfast Wednesday 7AM

Dave & Louise:
Love the cool autumn weather.
God made a covenant. He binds himself to Abraham.
Abraham has a messed up family. Skip the football. Read the story.
Exodus. God's family has been enslaved. 2.23-25
They were groaning crying out to God. They were in pain. God remembers his covenant. He raises a leader. Moses. Grew up in the palace.

There are thousands of Burmese people in Thailand. They have rescued thousands. Video of trip.

The camera man intimidated the monks. But they still would not give pastor Isaiah freedom to preach. His aunt offered to sell them 5 acres for a demonstration farm. That is now the venue to reach the community.

4 weeks ago they went to pick up a new believer and baptised him.