Bruxy Cavey
Home church is how we grow. Starting OverWe connect with people who have fallen away from the gospel. How do we connect with the people who have no church background?
Acts 1 the resurrected Jesus hangs out with the disciples teaching them about the kingdom of God. 40 days intensive.
V6 stop asking about the kingdom of Israel.
The Holy Spirit will bring the dynamite into you. Wait for it. Become gaga for Jesus. A witness is not the lawyer but to share what they know.
Talking to people about what you are learning. Share.
Expert testimony comes from those who become experts on a subject. You can be an eye witness. That's a great question but here is what I know.
Learning after the fact is helpful for a repeated activity. God's first miracle is changing you and you learn to share.
1. Start gospel conversations.
A. Review your cheat sheet.
B. Be genuinely spiritually curious find out what others think
C. Ask lots of questions
2. Use social media
A. Follow us on social media
B. Comment on posts
C. Repost
3. (re)union study for sinners saints and
B. As a home church
C. Share the video inviting your friends
There is no more influential person than Jesus.
Upcoming series STILL. HERE. Mindfulness and meditation. And Jesus
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