Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Birthday from Mom

How to make a wonderful life! Love Yourself... Take Chances... Make do...
Know that there aren't any shortcuts to tomorrow... It's what you do with time... Make a wonderful life... The kind of life you deserve.


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Hi Ray-happy belated B-day! I have been reading your blog faithfully but I;ve not commented till now. How are you keeping? Has the journey you've been on helped with the grieving process? Terry

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Just so you know...I read your blog! I catch up on your journey about 3 times a week. I have never left a comment before, but wanted you to know that there are people out there that do read your blog.


  3. Thanks for keeping in touch. Our fear is that we will be forgotten.
