Sunday, February 01, 2009

Time to Pick a Memorial?

Here is what we are looking at. We need some advice.
Which style do you like?
Which colour of stone do you prefer?
What illustrations, what text, what picture should we put on the memorial? What would Renee have wanted? None of this!
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  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I've been thinking about this... I really, really love the color of the stone and the color used in image #1. I think Renee might appreciate the use of color since photography was something she was passionate about. There's my two cents! Hope it helps... Keeping you all in my prayers. Love, Kyle

  2. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I think the stone in the top left hand corner would be beautiful. The flowers should be bright and beautiful just like Renee was. I think a little saying would also be appropriate like "Renee, You are now a memory to all, and your memory is a treasure that we are all blessed to have and remember" it's just a thought from how I feel. Always Iris Stansell

  3. anything typical
    anything "stock"
    could hardly capsulate an original like Renee.

  4. I agree with iris, I like the top left hand corner picture, but I also really like having hope somehow incorporated into it... but I am not sure that i like the shape of it...I like the shape of the bottom left better... there, you now have my two cents!

