Sunday, April 20, 2014

Going Back. .. or Pressing Forward
Rev Robert Campbell:

Mary Magdalene got up early.  You would expect her to try to get away from it all. No. She went back to be close to her friend.
But the body was gone. She wept.
The beloved disciple finds the clothes.  The body has just disappeared. The disciples went home. She stayed there weeping. She didn't see the angels as angels. She turned around and didn't recognize Jesus.  Was Jesus wearing the gardner's clothes?
He spoke her name. All the shock of the last few days was eclipsed by the shock of seeing Jesus is alive!
Her despair turns to joy. The next she hears words that were even more shocking. Don't hold on to me! Surely he loved hugs. She called him master. Expecting that things should be as the were before. But this is a new day.  New life is frightening. Death and grief are natural. Resurrection is not natural. We like to be where we are rather than allowing him to take us into the future.
Greg Glatz is an associate pastor

God has had the last laugh and devil has been defeated.
So now we need to laugh.
There is a new hand gun produced in honour of the Canadian Senate. It doesn't work and you can't fire it!

Jesus Christ is risen today
Let everything that has breath - he is greatly to be praised. Let's praise the Lord! Fabulous rendition
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
All creatures of our God and king
Hallelujah chorus
Carillonic Bells

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