Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Good Friday

I just found: 'Good Friday: This Man Named Jesus' from the The Meeting House Android App and thought you would enjoy it.
Download the The Meeting House Android App from

Sunday, April 27, 2014

SOAR Sunday

Cory Bell:
MB Mission organized this for the MB churches of Winnipeg for the last number of years during spring break.
Start off at NKMB church.
Worked at Keenleyside. Interacted with the kids.
Stayed at 188 Princess.
How did God call you? Took the forms decided not. Soon all the spots were full. At the last minute got in anyways.
Katie. The youngest. Volleyball was a problem. Worked around it. Well worth it.
Found new friends. Matured.
Went on learning tours. Got to know inner city life situations. Learned to be less judgemental. These people have powerful stories.

What are we learning through this experience? How does it impact our faith? Learn to trust God. Changed everything.

Many stories of God working. Jenna went on SOAR last year. The kids were so open to interacting with the team and willing to open up to God.

Jessica was the program leader and the social staff in the community were really impressed with this Christian group.

A big peace came over the team. They did international prayer walks.

God has shown me that everyday is my Missionfield. Give it to God. Grow in faith.

4 team great leaders. The youth grow so much. Encourage each other. Affirm each others talents.

Jodi was the first one to sign up. She sacrificed her studies.

Faith Community. Living and building each other up. Foot washing. Encouraging one another. Become part of

It's easy to have faith when you are with 300 other Christian youth on mission. Home and school witnessing is harder.
Peter sees Jesus and took the step of faith.  He sank but kept following Jesus.

Fun fact.  Got to know Ryan in grade 2. Now he is in SOAR!  Jolene helped him share his testimony with his peers.

What energized Peter to step on the water in faith? God calls us in faith. Step out.

What energizes you? How often do you get refueled?

God gives us lots of different things to re-energize us. Netflix games exercise church time-off God's spirit in us.
Focus on God. Vertical and horizontal focus.  Horizontal focus only will disappoint.

Keenleyside told us we were not welcome to witness there. Cory went in person to meet with the social workers. Now the doors are wide open to more witnessing.

Have you ever been prompted to step out in faith? Giving away Bibles. Encouraging others.

We have a promise that the Holy Spirit will work in us. Walk in boldness. Expectation that God will prompt you to step out of the boat.

God you make everything glorious. You made me. What does that make me? I am yours.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Going Back. .. or Pressing Forward
Rev Robert Campbell:

Mary Magdalene got up early.  You would expect her to try to get away from it all. No. She went back to be close to her friend.
But the body was gone. She wept.
The beloved disciple finds the clothes.  The body has just disappeared. The disciples went home. She stayed there weeping. She didn't see the angels as angels. She turned around and didn't recognize Jesus.  Was Jesus wearing the gardner's clothes?
He spoke her name. All the shock of the last few days was eclipsed by the shock of seeing Jesus is alive!
Her despair turns to joy. The next she hears words that were even more shocking. Don't hold on to me! Surely he loved hugs. She called him master. Expecting that things should be as the were before. But this is a new day.  New life is frightening. Death and grief are natural. Resurrection is not natural. We like to be where we are rather than allowing him to take us into the future.
Greg Glatz is an associate pastor

God has had the last laugh and devil has been defeated.
So now we need to laugh.
There is a new hand gun produced in honour of the Canadian Senate. It doesn't work and you can't fire it!

Jesus Christ is risen today
Let everything that has breath - he is greatly to be praised. Let's praise the Lord! Fabulous rendition
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
All creatures of our God and king
Hallelujah chorus
Carillonic Bells

Friday, April 18, 2014

Up From the Grave

Is there a church in Winnipeg that will sing "Up from the grave" as part of their inspirational Easter program this Sunday?
If you know of one please comment below.  That's where we want to go.

Low in the grave He lay —  Jesus my Savior!
Waiting the coming day —  Jesus my Lord!
Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o'er His foes
He arose a Victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!  Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Vainly they watch His bed —  Jesus, my Savior!
Vainly they seal the dead —  Jesus my Lord!

Death cannot keep his prey —  Jesus, my Savior!
He tore the bars away —  Jesus my Lord!

Good Friday choir at EasTview

I love you - written in red
It is finished! Hear the dying Saviour cry. Hallelujah glory to the Lamb!
Who has believed it. He was despised and carried our sorrows. Our failure was laid on Him.
What wondrous love is this? When I was sinking down God's grace was reaching down. I will sing through eternity.
The soldiers mocked him and crucified him.
O sacred head now wounded.
John 1. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The unblemished Lamb. The best you have. In O.T. times they managed the sin by continuously sacrificing the best lambs. Shuffled and deflected.
God placed on Jesus all our sin. We come face to face with our darkness.
Behold the Lamb of God who TAKES AWAY the sin of the world. He did it once and FOR ALL. He removed the power of sin to control us. 

We are now FRIENDS of God. Forgiveness on the cross.

Jesus instituted a symbol. We want to participate in this ancient symbol today. Embrace the forgiveness Jesus offers.
May you be blessed as you partake.

This is His body broken for you. He listens gently dries the tears from their eyes. Poured out and broken for you.

The cup signifies a new covenant. A new promise. Jesus steps in to take our burden. Open up your hands come to me. I will wash you clean. You are no longer slaves.

Take a cup drink it. Embrace what Jesus offers. Drink my blood and be forgiven.

My Jesus I love thee,  you purchased my pardon on Calvary's. Tree. If ever loved you my Jesus it's now.

Jesus cried out with a loud voice.
This was God' s son.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

I am the vine... Jesus said

Check out my friend Carlin Weinhauer's blog at He's expecting God's chariot to come for him soon.

The Zoo Crew is coming for VBS. EasTview needs 100+ volunteers for the week of August 10-14.

Songs today
For all you've done
Nothing but the blood
Hallelujah to my King what a Savior

Dave Ens
Happy Palm Sunday to you!
What are we asking of God?
Mark 11 brilliantly gives us a daily journal of Jesus's last week.

In Mark 10 Jesus asked twice, "What do you want me to do for you?"
Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly not on a war horse but on a donkey.
We can't ignore the cross. Who is Jesus? He, the son of God, came to die for us.
Being the least is to be the greatest.
I want to see what you, Jesus, are doing for me. Jesus died for me because he loves me so.
No one has greater love than the one who lays down his life for us. What more can we ask?
Jesus is inviting us into something bigger than all you can imagine.
Jesus asked us to be connected, to stay connected to the vine.

The vine is used to describe the people of God. Gen 12:1-3. I will bless you and all nations through you.

You brought a vine... Psalm 80:8-9
God wants to make the world right.
God wants the fruit of justice. Jesus speaks to that. Israel is the vine - Jesus is the true vine.
Not just for us.  It's bigger than that.
Often we don't want God to be good. Is Aslan safe? No but he's good!
Good wants to remedy the pain. A best friend will tell you when you are dumb and ignorant. He tells us when it's time to change.  Change is hard. He doesn't want things to go to hell.

He wants things to change. For the better. He prunes us to make us better.
We had a fruit tree that gave us lots of small apples. Mother in law pruned it. She cared. She cut most of the branches and that year the tree had large delicious apples.
Pruning hurts but brings luscious fruit.

Embrace the pruning. That's love in action.

What does that look like to bear fruit that blesses the people you interact with? Are you part of the work of redemption?

God bless you.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Who do you say I am?

Easter Choir Program on Good Friday at www.EasTview. org

Dave Ens pastor.
When Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus repeatedly said No.
Satan's temptations were not about what Jesus came to do but to take a shortcut to the goal. Jesus said the end does not justify the means.
Does the end justify the means?
John 14. Jesus prepares his disciples with the idea that he is leaving. Where do we go from here? His disciples ask.
Jesus said don't be troubled. I'm preparing a place for you. You are not alone.  There is ongoing work Jesus is doing.
My peace I leave with you. You already know the way. Thomas is like us always questioning. There is danger in looking for a new way when Jesus has already given us the way. We always want the latest thing.
We go through frantic things just so we can relax. We look for the new things. We get distracted by the devil. He takes good things and makes us make them into idols. Buy more. A bit more. Focus on more.
John 14 Jesus said you've seen me you've seen the Father. There is only one way one God.
You walk in light.