Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reception for Clark and Grace - in Carrot River

Song: All the way my Savior leads me.
Chair Robert: God 1st in our lives - family next and then vocation
Sextet Song: God is here in reverent silence.

Volunteer item: Uncle Robin & Monika and family song: You are Lord of Creation and the Lord of my life.

Quartet: Russell & friends: There is a path of love and forgiveness, Walk in Love with those around you.

Volunteer item: Pastor John: welcome to our community Grace. There has been a building of enthusiasm for your coming. In marriage you get out what you put into it. Love and tenderness. May God bless you with enduring love. You can never love each other too much. You love God by loving each other.

3 Songs by the youth: 1. Love that never fails perfect Love. Love is Strong the Spirit of Jesus calling you. Love will win. 2. Blessed are they who dwell in the Lord and delight in His word night and day. 3. Now from my heart praises shall ring. Daily my vows I will renew.

Volunteer item: Song by Quartet: May God bless this bridal pair as hand in hand they journey here below. Oh perfect Love abide with them.

The young men's song: 1. Light of the world sent down into darkness here I am to worship. 2. Lord your grace is overwhelming I bow my head in adoration and I crown you the King of my Soul.

Volunteer item: Mr Isaac a very fortunate old man says: Clark you are a very fortunate man from here on you will always have Grace. Did you see the rainbow today? Grace, you will have many opportunities to draw Clark's attention to many beautiful things.

Volunteer Raymond Dueck: Clark, you were 3 months old when we met you and your parents in New York when you and Renee got your transplants. During those 4 months in NYC we became friends that became ''closer than a brother". We are so glad for you both. Renee would have loved to be here. (tears) May God bless you richly!

James: What a day! Thanks Grace for saying yes to Clark's proposal. We are happy to have you in our family.
Raymond & Martha, we are so glad you came. You lost your daughter Renee 2 years ago. We don't understand why God works that way. But we know He is good.

Groom: thanks for coming

Song: What a mighty God we serve.

Food and LOTS of it. What a party!

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