Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week 3 Update

Here is Renee's Update:

I got another line put in on Friday. Hurts like crazy, but at least I don't have to keep getting my arms stuck, and typing is so much easier when you can actually use both hands. Other than that nothing has happened. My counts have stayed the same...which is nothing. I'm still in the hospital so I don't do anything. That's it.


I came home on Wednesday night and went to work Thursday and Friday. Thanks to so many wonderful people that keep things running even when I'm not there!

Karalee went to New York Friday, and will be back Monday night. Justin is busy at his job as Assistant Manager at Subway. Alayna is studying at U of W. Alayna, Justin, Jill & I celebrated Alayna's 21st birthday on Friday at Restaurant Dubrovnik. See the pictures on the blog.

Martha goes back and forth across the street from the hospital to the apartment, bringing salads and other appetizing meals to Renee for a bit of variety from the hospital food.

I'm returning to New York on Wednesday, to Toronto on Friday, and back to Winnipeg on Monday!

Hopefully Renee's white cell count will be up on time for us all to go to Florida for a week at Christmas. - Ray

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