Won't YOU touch the edge of His robe and be healed?
Lord, let your light shine on us. That we may be saved and find our way in the darkest night.
Last Sunday the people welcomed Jesus into the city with a great hosanna procession.
Jesus and the disciples met for a meal. They expected Jesus to announce his kingdom. Then Jesus assumed the role of a servant washing his disciples' feet setting an example of servanthood.
Brother, sister, let me serve you, and be as Christ to you. Let me weep when you are weeping.
Let us celebrate the Lord's Supper this morning. Jesus knows what we are going through. There is no where you can go and not find Jesus waiting for you. Jesus invites you to Come and touch his love today.
He breaks the bread He lifts the cup He kneels to make them clean.
How deep the Father's love for us that he should give his only Son. How great the pain of searing loss. His dying breath has brought me life his wounds have paid my ransom.
Jesus become the king of suffering. We put a crown of thorns on his head and mocked him as king of the Jews. Then we crucified him. Jesus responded: "Father forgive them, they know not what they do". the centurion was changed by what he saw.
Behold your King
You see the thorns. Stripes. Do you believe? Let the doubters stop their doubting and Behold your King.
This morning is not to dwell on the tragedy of death but to remind us Sunday is coming
Amen. Amen. Amen.
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