Friday, October 29, 2010

CMU 10th Anniversary Celebration

A Season to nurture: Celebrating the present

CMU Singers and Chamber Choir performed beautiful music including A Pentatonic Alleluia and Sanctus
Student David talked about his Outtatown experience

A Season of Possibility: Building the foundation

A multimedia presentation listed the key founding leaders.

Dr Earl Davey devotional: There is one need. Discover myself while discovering God. We must have God dwelling with us and in us. The pursuit of God and his pursuit of us. Seeking to know and love God- to walk humbly with our God.
At CMU together we seek to know God. Transformation of heart and mind.

Art DeFehr: A season of Possibility. CMU was not a foregone conclusion. It took a lot of hard work.
he had a long lunch with the Premier of Manitoba. On top of the Swiss Alps. Came to an educational funding agreement. Negotiated the charter to establish this university.
1. Mennonite Conference support.
2. Superior accreditation
3. Relationship with public university
4. Gov't support
5. Urban
6. Other Mennonite institutions
7. Attractive location
8. Less political baggage in Canada.

CMU can shape our future. Only limited by our faith and...

Rudy Shellenberg Conducted: The Morning Trumpet. "I shall mount above the skies when I hear the trumpet sounding"
Tear jerkingly beautiful!

Dessert: pies by Crystal Springs Colony. I got my favorite: Delicious Pumpkin Pie.

A Season of hope: Envisioning the future

Students shared their experiences. One of them has become an advisor to the premier. Another one works with under privileged

Dr Gerald Gerbrandt CMU President
Increasing recognition in Canada and attracting more non-Mennonite students. Now an established Christian University with a good variety of courses..
1. Vocational training
2. Value added education who we are in God's plan
3. Building the church and ispiring students to make a difference.
4. Impact the Community. A light on a hill.

Formed 10 years ago. Now the largest Anabaptist educational institute.
Our Values are relevant in this age. Making a difference in peace and reconciliation

Congregational Song: Praise my Soul the God of Heaven

Bruce Baergen CMBC / CMU Board Co-Chair 2000 with 45 board members to guide the process of merging 3 Bible Schools. Donations welcome.

Herta Janzen Concord / CMU Board Co-Chair 2000
Jack Loepp Menno Simons College / CMU Board Co-Chair 2000
Closing prayer and blessing.

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