Sunday, February 21, 2010

Relational Blueprint: Cultivating Intimacy
Pastor Dave Ens

Getting to know people can be hard. We want to be known intimately. We fumble with sex, feelings etc but get nowhere.

God has laid out our sexuality. That can be an image of devine love.

What does it mean to love? Greeks have four words for love:
Eros: the whoosh of love
Phileo: friendship
Storge: is like I like one team, but don't like another one.
Agape: Greek society considered it weak. The Bible took it and made it beautiful. God is agape. Not that we agaped God - God agaped us. Jesus hangs there with his back flayed open. He agaped us.
God stepped out to tell us he loves us.
With agape love, sex becomes a giving of oneself to the other. Eros becomes beautiful.
Sex in the context of an agape marriage is God's design.
If Eros rules our heart, it either dies or becomes our dominant feeling and rules our heart. It always wants to be whooshed. Does that help me feel good in the long run? If all I look for is feelings, can I find intimacy? Can I find God?
When I understand the creator loved, I can learn to take care of others.
It is time to get eros off our heart's thrones, and when we place agape into our hearts things will get better.
You need a gardener to tend your garden. God is your gardener. Let him help you grow a good garden.

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