Thursday, August 05, 2010

Leadership Summit: Adam Hamilton

When Leaders Fall.
In a survey of 1000s of pastors 30% admitted to sexual impropriety. There is no one size fits all to prevent this. We believe in redemption. How do we deal with this?
4 options:
1. Say nothing
2. Be Evasive
3. Denounce and distance
4. Transparency Grace Openness Integrity and Compassion Trust Consequences. Church exists for broken people. Pray for them. Deal with how we all fail.
Are you going to be a Pharisee? Can you cast a stone?
That's the kind of church people want to be part of. Policies. If it smells like a date it is. Don't do it.

Do the Sex talk twice a year.
We are wired for reproduction. Companionship. We also have the sin drive, and that leads to self destruction. Prone to wander.
Picture sin in the most disgusting terms. The dog roots in the cat's litter box. It's easy to start flirting with exciting co-workers. The moment of the maybe- you play with it in your mind. That's where the slide starts.
Don't let the devil ride, cause he is going to want to drive. Say no.
There are seasons of love in life. That's life.
5 sin resisting rules:
1. Remember who you are - a child of the king.
2. Recognize the consequences - will I feel better later?
3. Stop drop and pray. God please help me.
4. Reveal your struggle to a trusted friend
5. Remove yourself from the situation. Better to enter the kingdom of heaven than stay where you are.
Don't shoot the wounded. Welcome the sinner coming home. God is the God of the 2nd chance. Offer yourself to God. I rededicate myself to you.

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