Sunday, April 25, 2010
Beatitudes: Blessed are the Peacemakers
Matth 5:9 Pastor Delbert Enns
There is such beauty when God's children get together. We are in a safe place.
I need God. When I'm in tune with God's Purpose I will want to be in God's plan and my quality of life will go up.
The 7th Beatitude is different. It asks us to do something. Not just be. Peacemakers love peace so much that they are not afraid to compromise their own peace to help others achieve peace.
Peacemakers are Not synonymous with peaceful people. Not pacifism. Peace-broker.
Augustus Ceasar was called a peace-broker. Military peace.
Jesus' words would have tingled the ears of his listeners.
Eph 2:16 Pure heart peace. Remove hostility from the heart.
NYC church Conference. U. N. has not been able to create ot a single day of world peace.
Luke 2:35 a sword will pierce. Jesus came to reveal the faults in our own hearts. To make peace in own hearts. We are our own greatest enemies. Our idolatry is ourselves. Our selfish desires.
Peace starts in my own heart. You cant manufacture it. We can't be peace brokers unless we have peace in our hearts.
Movie - "Not Easily Broken"
Pride always precedes the conflict in a relationship. She kicked her husband out, then realized she wanted to fight for her marriage.
Blessed are the peace brokers that deal with the pride in our hearts. Then you will be called my children. Complete Surrender. To be a peace broker. Pray. Confess. 1 Jn 1:8-9
Desire to be at peace. Experience the blessing of confession.
Next Sunday does God Exist?
Simulcast debate between Christian apologist Craig and Hitchens, author and proponent of "new atheism".
Trip to Europe
Wednesday May 5 Relax in Disney area
Thursday May 6 Paris Disney
Friday May 7 Paris
Saturday May 8 Paris
Centre Mennonite de Paris
Notre Dame Cathedral
May 10 Juno Beach
May 11 Tours France
May 12- 13 Switzerland Zollikon
May 14-15-16 Austria - 3 nights Shlossmittersol Castle
Sunday May 16 church
May 17-18 Oberammergau 17th – 19th may 2010
2 night Oberammergau Package - Parkhotel Sonnenhof May 17 & 18
May 19 - 20 2 nights at Seeburg Castle
May 21 depart Munich 7am
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Honourable Dr Jake Epp
Churches have been building centres of higher education for centuries. Funding challenges have always been there, and will continue to be an increasing challenge. Health care is costing the Ontario government 46% of the budget. And growing. Educational funding will decrease. Christian universities are being targeted because of their Christian mission statements. That's why we need fundraising banquets.
On a tour to China, Jake found out that the government taxes the farmer 90% of their income. Will that happen here?
The Chinese official Lydia spoke to, had been trained in East Germany and attended a church where he learned how to be saved (selig werden). That's why we need CMU with its Anabaptist Christian emphasis. It impacts the world for good in untold ways.
Dinner was followed by the Spring Concert.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Beatitudes: Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Today is Sunday XL Dr Gus Konkel
June 6 another baptism
Next Sunday big volunteer party
God's blessings -taste and see - I am blessed
Dave Ens
Blessings go beyond our things. Many of the people Jesus addressed were not ''blessed" as we usually think of it. The blessing is that Jesus chooses to spend time with us. When I see Him in my life, I am blessed.
The Pure in Heart includes those who remove moral filth from their lives, and those who go deeper. Reality here is that we are not always pure. In Jesus time the heart was considered to be your core, your intellect.
1 Col 2:9 original text has heart as the centre of your intellect.
Pure. When your being leads you purely to God. To will the one thing of walking to God. The heart - the centre of my spiritual being. It needs to be clearly focussed on God.
Power in our lives does not last. Eventually every one loses it.
Ps 51:1-4 10-12 Create in me a clean (pure) heart. A willing spirit. Confession is to take off hypocrisy. Let confession help us move forward in the life God has for us.
Luke 18:12 -
What do you need to shed? What inconsistancies?
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Big Six Oh
The Birthday Party at The Centennial Concert Hall was attended by more than 100 friends and relatives. A good time was had by all. I felt so very honoured by each individual that came. I did not feel worthy. Met mi es et nush. Pictures here
Friday, April 16, 2010
Jason Died 31 Years Ago Today
Wish I knew!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Blessed Are The Merciful
Pastor Dave Ens
Christ is Risen Indeed. We are now living in the new Kingdom Normal.
Blessed are the losers of society. You will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful
Ps 103:1-12 In Easter this psalm is brought to life. He sets us free because he is a merciful God. Sin no longer has the final say.
Grace - undeserved -given to me -could not be earned.
Mercy - always deals with what the results of sin are - helping those who are suffering.
Keep Jesus at the centre of our definition of Mercy. Heb 2:14-18 Jesus suffered for us so he can help the tested. He came in flesh and blood so he could be is our midst. That's so overwhelming that the creator of the universe would do that.
When our father died, we suffered the pain of loss. Someone said, this is good, it will help you in the ministry. Inappropriate as that comment was, there is truth.
Jesus knows how we feel. He knows every pain.
Mercy - What does it look like? At Hamstead school breakfast program? Started by Greg Armstrong. What does the principal say? 180 students. 80% low income homes. How do we level the playing field? The program is making a big difference. The kids are developing positive relationships with adults and each other. The teachers give fewer "office referrals" The kids are happier. A goal was to have 90% of the students present 90% of the time. That is now happening. The kids are now achieving average academic standards.
Kingdom mercies are making a big difference. Then Dolsom Donwood. Now 22 churches are involved.
It costs $3000 a year. Volunteers are the hardest to get. 3 mornings a week. 2hrs one day a week is what we need. To know there are that many churches involved -Thank you God.
Jesus' first act after the resurection was to make breakfast. What a ministry!
When we look at Christ, his Mercy was extravagant and tangible for everyone.
What does it mean for me to be merciful?
Friday, April 02, 2010
Good Friday

Won't YOU touch the edge of His robe and be healed?
Lord, let your light shine on us. That we may be saved and find our way in the darkest night.
Last Sunday the people welcomed Jesus into the city with a great hosanna procession.
Jesus and the disciples met for a meal. They expected Jesus to announce his kingdom. Then Jesus assumed the role of a servant washing his disciples' feet setting an example of servanthood.
Brother, sister, let me serve you, and be as Christ to you. Let me weep when you are weeping.
Let us celebrate the Lord's Supper this morning. Jesus knows what we are going through. There is no where you can go and not find Jesus waiting for you. Jesus invites you to Come and touch his love today.
He breaks the bread He lifts the cup He kneels to make them clean.
How deep the Father's love for us that he should give his only Son. How great the pain of searing loss. His dying breath has brought me life his wounds have paid my ransom.
Jesus become the king of suffering. We put a crown of thorns on his head and mocked him as king of the Jews. Then we crucified him. Jesus responded: "Father forgive them, they know not what they do". the centurion was changed by what he saw.
Behold your King
You see the thorns. Stripes. Do you believe? Let the doubters stop their doubting and Behold your King.
This morning is not to dwell on the tragedy of death but to remind us Sunday is coming
Amen. Amen. Amen.