Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beaver Creek Bible Camp 40th Anniversary

Founded in 1968 by the Interlake EMC churches

Mark Westman got saved when he attended camp here many years ago.

Harry Friesen:
The vision grew out of VBS and Sunday school outreach. Edwin Wright and Harry were the founding members.
The first year's run was renting Fisher Bay Bible Camp in 1968. A Camp Board was formed to plan and search for a site suitable for camp. Milton looked for spot south of Riverton in the Finns, Arnes area. August Singbeil offered a site on his farm. We looked at the present site of the Hecla Resort.
Then Gus Romeniuk made his cottage property available with one building. We acceptod the offer. That made a very busy spring and summer building facilities, clearing trees. Cabins built in Mennville, the chapel was built by Menno Penner in Morweena. We had no grass, one tree fell on Albert's tent but no one was injured.
We were all new to camp Al Hiebert from Red Rock trained and helped establish the camp programs
Uncle Henry from Morweena helped to dynamite the stumps and rocks. Lots of team work. Back then red tape was much less. When we needed more space the Conservation Officers gave permission on the spot.
Menno Penner designed the original logo.
Campers sang heartily without all kinds of instruments.

Roger & Clarice Plett spent many years here at BCBC as camp directors.
Always prayed that campers would see the greatness and goodness of God. One cabin group came back singing in the rain. One camper got stung and went into shock. Henry was here with the proper meds and the camper's life was saved. A part of a tree fell on a camper. God protected him.
Andrew Dueck and Raymond Dueck encouraged me to take the leadership here. Clarice had a prayer network that prayed past 4pm Saturday.
LDC (Leadership development Camp) started at later time. One mother brought her kids thinking it meant Long Distance Commuter.
A farmer went out to sow....
Mark Westman came at 8 and later became Camp Director. Daughter Danya led another child to the Lord at age 8. This camp has made a real difference to many people.

Elmer & Danya Zacharias - Camp Director for the last 3 years
Last summer God was very present here. God is in this place
Let there be thankfulness to God. Your behavior should show it. Let your light shine.
This process of walking in the light is a learning process. You can't shovel darkness out. You can only dispel darkness by bringing in the light.
Pray for transformation of the lives of the campers that are coming this summer. Pray Pray Pray.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Morbidman Meets His Maker

I posted the text of the drama here in Memory of
Renee Amaryah Lalani Dueck
March 18, 1984 – February 26, 2008

in performance with “The Bards of Now”
directed by
Mark & Jobina Westman


(A back alley. A chain link fence runs across the stage. A couple of metal trashcans are against the fence.)

NARR- This is Terminus City. A bustling metropolis with an important university at its core, Terminus City is widely regarded as center of learning and thought. Here, scholars debate democracy, religion, philosophy, and the meaning of life. Here, the leaders of tomorrow establish the intellectual foundations that will guide them on life’s journey. But there is a darker side to Terminus City… for evil lurks within the shadows, seeking to rule the city, the country, and even the world! But fortunately for us, evil has an enemy of it’s own: the Triumvirate!

(Jack and Lenny run on stage carrying sacks of loot. They wear black turtlenecks, black pants, and black masks.)

JACK- Ha ha ha ha! Let’s see what we have in our trick or treat bags!

(They begin pulling out wallets and purses.)

JACK- Ooooh, alligator wallet!
LENNY- Carvin Klein purse!
JACK- Dinner Club card!
LENNY- Hey, this purse has Hello Kitty on it!
JACK- Hello Kitty? Lenny, you did not mug a little girl again, did you?
LENNY- (awkward) She wouldn’t share her M&M’s.
JACK- The boss is not going to be very happy with you.
LENNY- There’s three dollars in here.
JACK- Three dollars? (pulls money out of the wallet) Man, take a look at this.
LENNY- WHOA! A hundred!
JACK- Exactly. I got this off a guy coming out of that French place.
LENNY- Chez Pierre?
JACK- Yeah! That’s the kinda clientele you want to mug.
LENNY- Oh, I see.
JACK- A ha! Platinum Vista Card. Lenny, what do you say we treat ourselves to some Italian food?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Living the Unpredictable Life: Sink or Walk

Delbert Enns, pastor
Then Peter called to him, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you walking on the water.
Myth buster: how many times can you fold a piece of paper? 8, 12? Can you walk on water?
Virus- what comes to mind?
Some events affect others. Yawning
Malcolm Gladwell book
Esther was willing to risk everything
Or are you too cautious?
Matthew 14 records an important event. A tipping point in leadership.
You are the son of God! The disciples recognized who Jesus is. Do you feel abandoned?
Do not be afraid. Peter is a water walker. He commanded Jesus to command him to walk on water.
Sinking is better than sitting. This was really hard.
Are you willing to step out? To walk on water to Jesus?
Let us run with endurance Heb 12:1
Jesus will see you through. He is always praying for you.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Baby Maelle is Coming

We are at the hospital with Twylla sharing the excitement. Pray that baby Maelle and Twylla will healthy and well! Fetal cells were lost and the baby had a low blood count. A blood tranfusion was done and the baby is almost ready for the C-section. She is at 29 weeks and small.
Pray for Arden's safety while driving from Sioux to Winnipeg.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Recap from last Sunday.
Timothy was tempted to go AWOL.
7 ways to grow your faith.
God's perspective to right sized faith.
1. Renew refresh the gift v6 fan the flames. Campfires dies out. Keep fanning and putting more fuel on the fire.
2. Know who you are v7. Some people have amnesia and literally forget who they are. "Unknown White Male" has been made into a movie.
Christians sometimes forget who they are in Christ- a wealthy heir of God's kingdom.
When it comes to telling other s God has given yew power.
3. Be Prepared for Rejection. Be ready to suffer. Expect it. Be bold & courageous.
How much are you willing to suffer for Christ? Jail? Lost job? Torture? It will Cost to follow Christ.
4. Be Courageous. v8-10 150,000 Christians die every year for their faith. Do we have that courage? What would a church like that look like?
5. Don't just feel.... Know! v12
6. Hold fast! v13 years ago sailors would tattoo an anchor if they had crossed the Atlantic
they would tattoo HOLD FAST on their knuckles to remind them to hold on in the storm
7. Surround yourself with those who are not ashamed.
Let's get more aggressive in our faith. Let's not forget to invite others to Jesus. We need more room. New service format. Riverwood 9:15 Jubilee 10:15 Riverwood 11:15 to make room for 1,600 each Sunday.
Greatest joy is when some one life far from God- -to bring them to all God has for them. To know Christ.
Not to attract other Christians from existing Churches.
In 2 years want to build a 1,600 seat auditorium
This will cost $75.000 plus time and effort in the first year.
Pray for a divine appointment to share your faith with someone who needs Christ. This week. This month. Jesus loves you like crazy.
Stop being mousy. Be bold courageous.
Be available to God.
If you have a prayer need come up. Let's pray.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Baptism and Membership

BB attended Bethany Bible School
RM got jailed and released to Forward House where 2 policemen taught the Bible lesson. Become a Christian want to be baptized today on confession of faith.
JS 23 years a teacher, later MLA, now MP
God keeps us strong. My journey is to walk with God to the end. I do a lot of praying. For strength to go through the cancer of my husband. Nothing matters except faith in God and trusting Jesus. We need to do God's work here on earth. Why does this happen?
We have Bible Study every Wednesday on Parliament. Eastview is my moment to spend with God away from politics. It's been a lonely year. Moved by the love and genuiness here.
I accepted the Lord years ago and was baptized by immersion. That was a life changing experience.
RS did not go to church growing up. At age 25 met this beautiful girl at work. She invited me to church. Got involved. Spring 1990 Heidi went on a trip. Accepted Christ during that time. Got married. Moved to Calgary but that did not work. Tried several churches.
Moved back to Winnipeg. Attended Eastview. Decided to join. Then not sure. Then Devon 10 decided to become a Christian. Now we know this is the right thing to do.
HS became a Christian at VBS grew up in a Christian home and was baptized at age 13.
Attended 8 churches in 13 years in Calgary. Just could not find a church that worked for us. Decided not to go to church anymore. That did not work either. We need regular spiritual encouragment
Moved to Winnipeg and want to be able to bless the kids with a strong Christian Community.
TT aged 13 grandpa died but lives forever. ABC Admit Believe Choose. Learn to control my anger. Want everyone to know about my decision to get baptized
JT born and raised in Christian home. This is a continuation of my Christian life. Grandma and Grandpa have been a huge influence. God helps me.
HT parents Andrea & Tim. Have known Jesus all my life. I know I can always count on him
I lay my Isaac down. God wants us to trust him. Follow Jesus. Symbol of Love.
BZ Thanks to God for giving us his son.
Had no use for faith until I met my wife. Now we have 3 daughters. Want to be members here. More important than professional hockey.
CZ accepted Jesus at age 13. When she watched the Jesus film.
Afraid of public speaking. I confess Jesus as my Savior and I to want be committed.
LZ aged 13 baptized as a child. Jn 3:16 want to make my own decision now. I know God is real and loves us. Getting baptized thanks to Lyle and my parents. God will direct my paths.

Total baptized - 8 souls.
Confession of faith accepted into membership - 5
Video of service available at

AWOL Christians

Pastor Todd Petkau
Timothy is a letter Paul wrote when Paul sensed that Timothy might be thinking of going AWOL.

Paul asked Timothy not to be ashamed.
3 types of shame.
1. Misplaced shame - being outperformed unexpectedly
2. Earned shame - doing OK with secret shame unrevealed and then the sins revealed - being found out.
3. Heaping shame - someone in authority says "you'll never amount to anything" or "Even if your church grows to 2000 God is not in it. You don't hear God for a minute." Pray-God please cover me with the Teflon of your spirit.

Timothy has issues and feels ashamed and many Christians are going AWOL.
Are you bold confident expectant? Or embarrassed hesitant?
Are any of you dealing with shame? Faith draining shame?
Shame is a choice. You can be more than you are now.
The world persecutes Christians- always has. We feel outnumbered.
Reset your perspective. The gosple out performs the world.
7 ways to move to stronger faith. We'd like to be less chicken in sharing our faith. We'd like to bring someone to Christ.

We ran out of time - 7 ways next week.
Pathway to freedom
Own the shame and get forgiveness

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

from Morris MB to Morris MN

We spent the day in Morris Minnesota, at the University of Minnesota in Morris Minnesota, to talk about biomass gasification

Happy 36th Birthday to Kris

Our firstborn would be 36 years old today. We still miss him after 33 years. Hope he's enjoying heaven right now!
I was 1st time dad who wanted to be there for my first child's birth. The labour was hard and when the Dr decided it was time to use the forceps, he sent me to the waiting room. When I saw Kris, he had black spots on his head where the forceps injured him... He had many more injuries during his brief life...
Thunderstorm the night after he was born... Martha felt so alone in the hospital...