Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ontario Trip

We flew to London Wednesday. We planned to visit Taunte Truta,
my mom's oldest sibling and my favorite aunt, but when I called her number there was no answer. When I finally got ahold of my dad, he informed me that she had died 2 weeks ago. I knew she had recently been diagnosed with cancer, but this was quite a shock.

We had business meetings in Aylmer and Cambridge. Our Cambridge business friend introduced us to Glenn and to the Coping Center in Cambridge, an organization dedicated to help families deal with grief and help them mourn their loss. Is there a need for such a centre in Winnipeg?

After fighting Toronto traffic for 2 hours we had supper with Alayna before she went to work. Something in my food did not agree with me.

Saturday we spent the day with Alayna. Lunch at the market and then Toronto Zoo for the afternoon. That Zoo has to be one of the best in the world. Lots of greenspace, trees & valleys and animals from around the world including camel rides for those so inclined.

Supper at The House On Parliament was fabulous. Then time to say goodbye again and "auf viedersehen"

This morning we wanted to see Aunt Esther but she had left for church before we were ready. By that time we had to head off to the airport for our flight home.

Our church was on board Westjet with Lorna Dueck's "Listen Up" broadcast. Her guests included Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi and Eugene Peterson talking about the Bible and how it has changed the world.

After that we watched "The Hour of Power". They had Evangelist Jay Lawder on the program with a good solid message. They spent a lot of time begging for money.
''The Best Life Possible" who wants that? Jesus said Love God and others. Then you will have the best life possible.
Commandment six: Don't kill. Jesus said don't use words to kill. The power of words. Words can kill. Words have the Power to give Life. ''You saved my life" with words of life from the Hour of Power. People need Words of Life. Dream Center of LA is helping many people in LA. So many people have been saved. One man was shot and left for dead. Then restored through his wife's prayers.

John 11 The Story of Lazarus. Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the Life" His sisters called Jesus expecting him to hurry on over and help them. But Lazarus died. Jesus did not come. Why not? Why not? Where is Jesus when your kids fall into substance abuse?

When Jesus finally showed up he asked- Do you believe? Jesus asked to go to the tomb. Open it up! No way! He's been left for dead for 4 days.
Jesus says "Come out of the tomb of your pain". Accept Jesus' resurrection power today.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Put Down the Kool-Aid: If a Little is good, More must be better For on-line audio

When oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar
above the storm I will be still and know you are God

Dave Ens-
''I want it all" the cultural lies. Is having more better? A friend with drug addiction had an epiphany that he had chronic discontent fuelled by wanting more. Drug use creates dopamine release to drive us to more brain rewards. Things feel good when narcotics are involved. So the brain wants more and more drugs. Then everything else goes flat.

In many ways we do the same things. Retail therapy. ''I have nothing to wear" Come home raid the fridge and pantry and say ''why is there no food in the house?" while looking for chocolate.

Drugs. What a cycle of shame! Then you need more drugs and you end up more ashamed! Addicts keep feeding the addiction to dopamine. And the cycle continues.

Truth of scripture speaks against the lies. I Cor: 1:26 God is the source of life in Christ Jesus. Everything good comes from God. We can't ever lift ourselves out of the cycle of shame. God's grace / strength is made complete in Christ.

We always want things to make us feel good about ourselves.

Deut 7 God talks about all the things he will do for Israel. Not because you earned it but because I love you.
Matth 6:25 Is not life more than food and clothing? Find value / pleasure in other things.
The birds - God feeds them. Aren't you of more value? v27 Can you add one hour to your life?

C S Lewis- Consider the staggering nature of the rewards God has for us. Our sights are set too low! God wants to give us more.
v32 Strive for the kingdom of God.
Let your worth be derived from the One who created you! Seek pleasure in Him.

To often we point at ourselves as the reason for our existence. God has a better plan. Outside of ourselves. Instead of a church picnic for ourselves why not have a Keenleyside picnic to bring joy to an underprivileged community? June 30 - be there

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Turning on the Light Christian Fellowship (EMC) Calgary

Pastor David & Kendra Funk
Need your voices today. Summer is here - the season for traveling.
Imagine driving at night and coming to a town with no lights. What would you think? Many of us have the same problem. We have an inexhaustible supply of Light- the Holy Spirit. He was there at creation, when Christ was baptized, and at Pentecost.
One thing that is clear in the book of Acts is that it is the power of the Holy Spirit that built the church.
If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from us, today's church work would mostly continue as is.
When we come to the Father through Jesus we become the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. You are in His presence, always
"Turn on the lights - I am His dwelling place." The dwelling place of the Living God.
Rachael had a very bad spell on Friday. Saturday I was working through this. Where is God why does he let it happen? This sermon applies directly. I am sad and emotionally strung out but I know that the God of Creation is with me.
"Turn on the lights - I am His dwelling place."
God is not reducible to our feelings. A wasted prayer is "God be with me today". Rather thank God for being with me today. Bank on the Love of God. His love is perfect. That's a fact. Grow in awareness that God is passionately and compassionately with you.
If we serve God with that awareness, what would it do?
You and I are always in God's loving presence.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Trent & Liisa Wedding Song

God's love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, softer than a sigh
His love is deeper than the deepest ocean, wider than the sky
God's love is brighter than the brightest star that shines every night above
There is nothing in this world that can ever change God's love
Something happened to my heart the day that I met Him
Something that I never felt before
He is always on my mind no matter what I do
And everyday, it seems I Love Him more
His love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, softer than a sigh
His love is deeper than the deepest ocean, wider than the sky
His love is brighter than the brightest star that shines every night above
And there is nothing in this world that can ever change His love

Once, I thought that love was meant for everyone else but me
Once, I thought He'd never come my way
Now, it only goes to show how wrong we all can be
For now, I have to tell you everyday
His love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, softer than a sigh
His love is deeper than the deepest ocean, wider than the sky
His love is brighter than the brightest star that shines every night above
And there is nothing in this world that can ever change His love
His love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, softer than a sigh
His love is deeper than the deepest ocean, wider than the sky
His love is brighter than the brightest star that shines every night above
And there is nothing in this world that can ever change His love

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Nice soccor evening

At the plus 55 Centre in Gimli. Looks like Roger and friends need a pep talk!
We went to Mennville to plant weeping evergreens at the cemetary memorial garden. Roger and Anita helped with that. Thank you.

Put Down the Kool-Aid: I've got the Power
Birthday Song for Pastor Delbert Enns.

Daydreaming is a form of walking away from it all.
Abracadabra of fantasy is our ideal. We wish we could speak it and it would happen
Retirement fantasies drive us to pursue our dreams. What is the prime motivation? We have fundamental desires for a free enjoyable life.
Ryan went to Haiti and gave a report - with a good work ethic anything is possible. We are made to believe we can do anything we want to do. It's a lie! but it affects us in all sorts of ways.
Adam and Eve had a problem. They thought they could enjoy life. That they had access to infinite power and control.
ML King said: I have a dream. But it cost many lives. Not easy.
The dream of a life with no responsibilities is a hoax.
Look at History - the book of Acts. Simon the sorcerer had a following. Like Lady Gaga. They have nothing They have nothing real to offer. When Phillip the evangelist showed up, the sorcerer was being shown as a fraud. He then decided he would try to buy Phillip's power. He had shallow faith and was baptized but really had no idea what the gospel was all about.

Simon did not live with the power of the Holy Spirit. Phillip was bringing revival. Church H. O. sent Peter & John to check up on Phillip.
We often believe that we can do the same. I paid my dues. Now God has to give me what I want
We do not want God to change us.
The sorcerer wanted the good life under his own control. We do the same thing. Peter told him to repent. There is no evidence that he repented. Tradition says that he led many Christians into agnosticism.

Christ is the visible manifestation of the invisible God, everything was created in and through Him.
Jesus IS God. We need Jesus. Not power.

Let us confess that we have lived a lie thinking we con do things in our power.