Thursday, April 30, 2015

Winnipeg food bargains

Cantaloupe  $1.77
Romaine 2.97/3
Oranges $.97/#
Mango 11.97/16
Salmon $9.97/#
Yoghurt 2.47/750g
Water nestle 3.97/24

Beef extra lean ground 3.97/#
Bartlett pears 5.88/6
Salmon 3.98/#
Avocados 3.45/5
Baked beans .97/398ml
Canola 4.88/3L

Coop Marketplace
Bacon $2.99/375
Berries frozen 2.74/600g
Apples gala 2.49/3#
Shredded cheese 3.49/340g
Cherios 1.99/330g
Corn flakes $3.33/680g
Mangoes $.98
Water 1.89/12

Beef lean ground 3.99/#
Allen's juices. 99/L

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Jesus in Exodus

Songs at and participation rate
You never let go 40%
To God be the glory 80%
Your love never fails 40%
Upon a life I did not live 4%
Jesus loves me 3%
Hope of the nations 80%

Delbert Enns pastor
Let's pray for the people in Nepal. Great grief has hit a lot of families due to the earthquake. May this lead to many peope being  brought to Jesus.

We love the Jesus that hugs the babies and doesn't condemn the adulterous woman. What is he like in the Old Testament?

Abraham was called and set apart so that the Anointed One would come from his family.

The nation of slaves were set free in Exodus.
Luke 9.30 Moses and Elijah talked to Jesus about his exodus.

What do prisoners of war talk about? Hope and faith. Faith in Jesus is the greatest gift anyone can give. In our western culture we no longer talk about faith and hope.

People living without adversity live in a WOW environment. After adversity comes perseverance, optimism and then comes rebellion. Now we live in a culture of whatever and nihilism. Anything goes without God.

3 things that survive all the cultures are faith hope and love.

What are we walking away from? Christ's plan of redemption is to set us free. Exodus 14.12 leave us alone and let us be slaves. Better than dying in the wilderness.
That's where our culture is at today. You can take people out of slavery but it's hard to take the slavery out of people.

We think we want our kids to have perseverance. That parenting does not make kids good. Romans 6.15 their nature does not change. Sin is sin. We serve the bondage of sin.

12:11 The blood is a sign. When I see the blood I will pass over you. It had to be applied and they were saved. The Seder has a specific order. It celebrated the coming of the Savior.
Flat bread was baked quickly to symbolize the urgency. 13.16 a reminder of the Lord's mighty hand. Talk about the story. The Lord will fight for you.

When Jesus came there is no need for more sacrificial lambs. He is the lamb slain once and for all.

Ephesians 2.8 do you have the culture of WOW? Jesus offers it to you. Come celebrate. The bread and the fruit of the vine in remembrance of what Jesus did. The blood on the doorway.

You and me need to tell others.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Seeing Jesus. Signs and wonders

Service at
Songs with participation rate
Christ is risen 10%
Filled with your glory
Rooftops 10%
All creatures of our God and king 60%
What can I do 20%
Christ is enough for me 40%

Dave Ens pastor
Who has seen Jesus this week with eyes of Wonder?
Ultrasound of baby. God created a miracle
The miracle of geese
To see Jesus through the disenfranchised
The first nations person shared his dream catcher
Wednesday night northern lights are just there to be pretty because God wants us to be delighted like children
G. K. Chesterton
Rain causes the grass to turn green. Blown away.
Look at the world with eyes of Wonder

When we see Jesus in creation we have a better understanding who Jesus is. 100% God 100% human
Philippians 2.5 a hymn written and sung by the early church
Creeds were written to help the church understand the doctrines.
Spiritual is a popular word nowadays. Relationship vs rules.
Spiritual is to recognize God and what he is doing. It's not about me and self-help.

The gospel is true spirituality. A new life of sins forgiven.

Jesus reconciled us with God. A perfect God reconciled with imperfect humans.

It's not about just good ideas. The gospel tells us that the best place to be spiritual is where we are. Participants in our community. What you believe is shown by your actions. Health is an example. We don't act on exercise until there is a health event.

John 20.30 7 signs of the gospel.  Helps us understand who Jesus is. Not to show off to Harrod. What stops me?
Sign 1 Jesus turns water into wine. Not cheap wine. Only the best. Are we so self occupied that we miss the signs God gives us. John 2.11. His disciples believe.
Sign 2. John 5. The man at the pool of Bethesda. Walks out on the Sabbath after 38 years. The religious leaders didn't celebrate the healing. They gave him the gears for carrying his mat on the Sabbath.
We can be so fixated on what we think God does that we can't see what he is actually doing.
Pray for eyes that can see what God is doing.
Look for the wonder of God.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Food bargains in Winnipeg this week

Coop Marketplace same price for 1
Mangoes 10/$10
BBQ sauce 10/$10
Bread 10/$10
2l Pepsi 10/$10
Cereal 3/$10
Ground chicken turkey 4#/$10
Bacon 3/$10
Pollock Sole 3/$10
Potatoe chips 10/$10
Coke 6x710 3/$10

Potatoes 10#/$2.97
Purex bath tissue $8.98/24 =0.374
Pepsi Coke 6x710 $2.47
Kraft cheese 450/$4.44
Cantaloupe 2.97
Oranges $.97/#
Mangoes $11.97/16
Broccoli $1.47
Carrots $1#
Chicken whole $2.47#
Beef burgers $6.97/2#
Yogurt $2.77
Maxwell $7.97
Kraft peanut butter $3.97/k

Pork roast $2/#
Limes $1/2
Pickles $3
Signal chips $1
Swanson meat pie $1/200 g
Kraft bbq & dressings$2

Purex bath tissue $4.99/12 =0.374
Apple juice $.89
Strawberries $5.99/2#
Papaya $3.99
Celery $.99
Beef sausage $3.49/500g
Michelinas entrees $5/50/hr
Yogurt $4.50/2

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Seeing Jesus

Dave Ens
What happens after Easter? Go back to fishing and Jesus makes breakfast.
Spirituality happens anywhere. We are trained to separate our faith from everyday work.

God doesn't see it that way. God loves the world as it is. Everyone is invited. Jesus goes through the Scriptures to explain that what happened was what was foretold. What exactly did he tell them?

This series will explore what he might have said.

Creation. Helps us to see Jesus. Can we wonder at creation? Do we notice how nice it is? Or do we complain about having to clean up all the leaves in the fall?
Do we have the wonder of a child.
Gnosticism removes wonder from human experience and relegates faith to the divine. Some people rewrote the gospels. The world is ugly and the divine metaphysical world is what the best mystics would like to achieve.

Genesis 1. In the beginning God. God creates. The Hebrew word makes it clear that this kind of creation is only possible by God.
He created and said it is good.

This was recorded as a permanent record in 6 th century B.C.? During the Babylonian exile? The Hebrews were being uncreated and wanted to record the oral traditions associated with earth creation.

John 1 in the beginning was Jesus. He was born into our world to help us to know what it means to be created. To know what creation means we need to look at Jesus. God made all the creatures.

Created out of nothing. Jesus was there. He looks at the world with wonder. He says as the father sent me I send you. We now become participants in creation when we see the wonders God created.

Alexander was born in a crowded room and everyone was explaining everything and one student stood against the wall white as a sheet in wonder at what just happened.

Look at this world and be filled with matchless wonder and then see Jesus.

Anything is possible with God.

You reached beyond imagination with love. Wonderful intimate God of love you have always been faithful in the way that you father me.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

The Great Banquet

Pastor Victor
Jesus forgave sins and raised people from the dead. I'm going to die and you can come with me, he said.
Which is easier to say you will be raised or to actually raise the dead?
Vic went to visit a dying atheist and told them I am a man of faith may I pray for you? Pastor Neufeld, there are no atheists on the palliative care ward.

Hundreds of people saw Jesus alive after he had died. He now had a new body.

Did this actually happen? An atheist archeologist said there is no real empty tomb explanation except the resurrection.

Bono the great theologian explains it. Jesus died to help us through the gates of heaven. Christ does not allow us to call him anything other than who he said he was the son of God or he is a complete nut case. His friends died for that.

Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the lamb.
The one who was dead and is raised again said that. We are all invited. Will we go?

You are invited. Will you accept the invitation?

The words of Revelation.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Bargains in Winnipeg

Coop Marketplace
Pepsi 2l $0.99
Pumpkin pie 2.50
Pumpkin pecan pie 7.99
Pineapple large 2.99
Pork side ribs 2.99/#
McCain hash browns 2kg 2/$4
Sour cream 500 $2
Pizza panzerotti 1kg 4.99
2kg mini cucumbers 3.99
Eggs milk

Fresh salmon 7.97#
Frozen 6.47
Apple pie $5
Cheese 700g $6.97
Cantaloupe 2.47
Sweet potatoes 0.97#
Butter 3
O.j. 1$
Soup $0.50
Oranges  6.49 /8#
Royale tp 11.98/24 =0.499
Water 3.47/24 =0.144
Folgers coffee 7.97

Sobeys 10% off on Tuesday
Eggs 1.99
Yams 0.99#
Turkey $0.99 w $50 other
Ham $2.49/#

Friday, April 03, 2015

Waves of Glory and Harvest church

Offering for Bridges of Peace support for Israel
Dancing get your praise on. Celebrate Jesus celebrate he is risen.
Big man guest speaker
You don't know me I don't know you.
John 6.26 the graveyard is full of people that never reached their potential. Redeem the time. The days are evil.
Be on your toes spiritually. 2015 God is taking the church from proven to take over. Give us this day our daily bread. You can only be in the will of God if you can agree to the  word of God.
Been around for a while. Got saved in the 80s. Went through all the different movements from Pentecostal to wealth and health now moving into the age of amazing Grace. Jesus said I am the living bread.
John 6:48-51 NLT
Yes, I am the bread of life!  Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, but they all died.  Anyone who eats the bread from heaven, however, will never die.  I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh."
Mana means what is it.
Jesus looking for a growing living church.
Then sings my soul how great thou art.
How great is our  God! The Splendor of the King.