Sunday, December 26, 2010
12 Days of Christmas Start Today
If I have experienced that God the Savior of the world came for me, my world should be a different place.
An elderly woman is taking care of her great grandsons. She asked for a Christmas hamper. The boys lost their parents in a car accident last year.
Artaban the Magi stopped to help an injured man. He missed the visit to the Christ child. He saved a baby in Bethlehem with one of his gifts. He paid the ransom to save a Christian woman from slavery.
Then he saw 3 Crosses and recognized the King of Kings. Jesus reminded him that his good deeds were done for Jesus.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Oh praise Him.
An old song says: Jesus Jesus Jesus There is Something about that name. If you don't know him start asking how to get to know him better. ''Pay It Forward" has a good story even though the movie is not all good.
Think of an idea that will introduce Christ's hope to another person and put it into action!
Go from here and see the face of God in everything.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas at Eastview: Life Interrupted
The Innkeeper: I could have done things differently. The Son of God born in my stable? I could have given them my bedroom.
Song: O little town of Bethlehem, holy child be born in us today.
Joseph: I'm a carpenter. Engaged to be married. Happily looking forward to the wedding. Found out Mary was pregnant with God's Son. That changes everything
Song: Hark! The herald Angels sing Glory to the newborn king.
Mary: Engaged to Joseph. An amazing man. Shortly after the engagement an angel came to announce the miraculous virgin birth of the Saviour of the world. Life Interrupted by God.
Song: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. Holy Holy is his name.
Away in a manger. I love you Lord Jesus.
Shepherd: Good easy job. Great outdoors, stars, fresh air. Interrupted by Singing Angels. Off to Bethlehem. The Peace & awe felt like heaven. This is one boy's journey I have to watch.
Song: The first Noel the angels sang.
G: Raised in a Christian home. Don't drink or gamble. I'm forgiven by God's grace. Jesus interrupted my life. His grace is greater than all my sins.
Pastor Del: Coffee is good for you. Satisfies. There is a craving beyond that. Deep within. My soul craves more intimacy. The desire to be loved. There is a craving for destiny and meaning. To make a difference.
As we move closer to Christ we find the answers. Answer the call of your soul tonight. Christmas 2010 can make a difference around the world.
Burmese Christians are the most persecuted. We want to help them tonight. Churches are growing.
Silent Night Holy Night
Shepherds quake at the sight. The dawn of redeeming grace.
Joy to the world Let every heart prepare him room.
Have a blessed Christmas
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Growing Branch: A Renewed Hope
Allan Bartel passed away a few days ago. Pray for Ron & Val Woods
Join us for Christmas eve services 3:30 5:30 6:30
Next Sunday Service 10am only
Dave Ens - Adult Ministries Pastor:
Next week is Christmas.
A little branch- Isaiah talks about hope. How can we be bringers of hope? To be part of helping the Burmese grow in hope & faith. Christmas changes everything. Jesus came to save and change for all time. It should be Normal for us to be Zealous Passionate about Jesus all year. If you are zealous about something you will be prepared to go to great lengths. When you walk into the mall you "feel the zeal" of shopping. Where your Zeal is that's where your heart's treasure is. What if our focus on Christmas day was to celebrate what change God has brought info our lives?
Isaiah 9:2-9 the Zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish the passion God has for us. God put a star in the sky and sent angels to burst unto the scene. The darkness of this world cannot prevent Gods light from changing this world. Changing human history.
If we lived a life of Zeal what would it look like? Not like the Pharisees who ignored Justice Mercy and Faith.
It's not about following rules. Not about abolishing fun. What does God want to do in your life?
God will give you an understanding heart. Transformed. God is Zealous for you. Why? Some day we will understand. If God was about rules He would not have come as a baby.
Not external holiness so much as a heart transformation. Growth and reliance on God. Integrity in and out. God knows our heart.
God can change you. Matth 23:27-28. Pharisees were all about showing by the rules that they were very religious Jews. White washed comfort. A culture of sameness.
God will fill us with life. Radical obedience to God will change us. Will you be changed by Christmas?
Cardboard testimonies. What was I? Who am I now? Are there still lives that are being changed? The email response to this was overwhelming. So moved by the transformation people shared. As long as we cover up our brokeness God's light can't shine on us.
What would your card say? Slave to empire building? Bulemia? Insignificant? Confused? Depressed? Never good enough? Slave to alcohol? Lost father? Worldly success? Looking for change? Drugs? Porn? Unfaithful? Unloved? Abused?
May this Christmas change you!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Frank Sinatra Christmas
When Hope Draws Near
Dave and Louise Sinclair-Peters
They have been missionaries in Thailand for 10 years. They are working with Burmese people in northern Thailand. Not sure what it would be like for the kids to grow up in 30 degree heavy traffic driving bikes. Daughter broke her foot in the bike wheel.
All that stress becomes normal after a while. An elephant on the street has become a normal nuisance.
Often things become normal that should not. Daughter said: Comfort and security in Canada is overrated.
We want kids to be nice and safe. Jesus wants our kids to be willing to face danger and change the world.
We've been chased out of factories trying to bring hope to the Burmese.
Louise was invited into a factory, met a leader there and got to know his family. The wife had been trafficked to Thailand and abused for years. When she become a Christian she started talking to her husband. Soon they were studying the Bible. Louise gave him a guitar and he learned to sing worship songs. He is now free from the prison of darkness and now leads a church.
Life would be boring in Canada compared to life in Thailand. To reach out to our neighbours not staying in our safe place. Bring hope and healing to others.
Do we believe that God's hope is greater than our fears? The power to change.
We ask the Holy Spirit to fill us and present ourselves to people.
What can we say to attract people? -tell them about the love of Jesus.
Learn to share the gospel with your neighbors. Be dangerous this Christmas.
We want to raise $30,000 this Christmas to help bring the hope and joy of Jesus to Thailand.
That may mean that we will need to live and give dangerously.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Choir Christmas Program
The Voices of Christmas
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Happy holidays felice navidad
Voices of Christmas
Silent Night Good News of Great Joy.
Joy to the World.
Oh Come all ye Faithful
Silent Night Holy Night
Hark the herald angels sing
Voices of Christmas are not always happy
Clydesdale "Where are you Christmas?"
As a child I loved Christmas, now I dread it. So lonely. So many pains. Missing loved ones.
So many questions. Where can we find a song again? Where can we find the Messiah?
Don Nancy Besing: Emmanuel Soon Will Appear In the dark of night God will send us his light. One little child so sweet and mild born on a winter night Bringing us peace and light.
For 2000 years Isreal waited for the Savior. Micah 5:2
Emmanuel God with us. Spirit revealed in us. That we may show your hope to the world.
The time had finally come! Elizabeth and Zacharia had the miracle baby John in their old age. They believed that the Messiah would come. They believed Mary.
Did Elizabeth talk your ear off? Zacharia was in the temple. Angel showed up and told him that the Promised one was coming.
Of the Father's Love begotten. Lo how a Rose is blooming
Isaiah twas foretold it the world's Redeemer.
Mary: Jesus my little boy. God has been good. Elizabeth blessed me. Joseph took me as his wife even though I was already pregnant. God sent his angel to tell me God is with you.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. He has done great things for us. His Name will be forever exalted. Holy holy is His name
Jill Galena: He is born the holy one Come and Praise God's chosen son Born to be God's chosen King.
Hallelujah. The first voice of Christmas.
Angels we have heard on high
Born is now Emmanuel
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Morweena EMC, NW of Arborg
They have lots of activities going on. They need a chocolate stop for the carolers Christmas Eve.
Barry is recuperating but keep praying for him.
Looking for a senior pastor starting January '11
Stan Loewen, Song Leader:
Hosanna in the Highest - I see a near revival
The Love of God #86
Tim Reimer Preacher /Teacher:
Elijah and Elijah
Mal 4 Luke 1 John 1
Mom's 80th birthday
What Leads to the Christmas story?
Luke 1 Elijah is someone else than Elijah of OT
He will be a joy, great, filled with HS, bring revival, go before the Lord, restore relationships,
Jesus has made God known. Full of Grace and Truth. The law did not bring grace. Not grace OR truth. Why not?
Books: Doctrines, Hard Questions are Bible School things.
AND truth
Truth applied
Age 12 with teachers. Fasted 40 days, spent nights in prayer,
Grace- Jesus was gracious in relationships.
John 8 woman- Jesus does not condemn her.
Math 28 v17 has a D word some doubted. Great Commission was given to unreliable and ungracious people.
Lots of things are referred to as ''Christian". Do Christian homes reflect grace and truth? Christian schools, businesses?
Do our politicians sense truth and grace from us?
Grace and Truth came from Jesus Christ.
Song: Everyday I can be your light to the world Everyday I'll follow after you. It's you I live for every day.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
CBC Climate Change ''Playing God"
In 2001 when the planes were grounded for a few days, scientists said that the earth cooled because planes were not creating vapour trails thereby allowing heat to be reflected from earth's surface into space.
So do clouds cool the earth or heat it?
If we tinker with global climate we will transfer problems to the poorest countries.
Every time there is bit more rain than usual someone blames it on "climate change!"
Supposedly Pakistan is thinking about releasing sulfur acid clouds into the atmosphere to reduce rainfall. That will cause famine in India. They both have nuclear weapons to help convince the other not to/to create "climate change". Next thing you know we have real climate change with radiation floating around the world!
The geo dome scientists proved a few years ago that they had no idea how to balance earth's atmosphere.
Clearly the ''Climate Change" scientists have no idea what they are doing and should all be fired before they destroy this world.
It is well known that the sun's output of heat and ash changes from decade to decade. It is expected that by 2020 the sun will be a lot cooler and we may well be trying to manipulate the "greenhouse" effect to retain more heat on earth.
We have way too many chickens in this world who think "the sky is falling".
All plants absorb CO2 and when there is more CO2 in the air the plants grow faster and in the process release more oxygen. Real greenhouses like to inject CO2 into the greenhouse to make the tomatoes grow faster. Low CO2 means plants don't grow as well, so let's all make as much CO2 as we can! We need to be nice to the plants so we can all have enough food to eat!
Comments welcome
HOPE: A Dead Stump, A Fragile Shoot
3 Baptismal Services Next Sunday
Check out
Eastview is raising funds for outreach to the people of Burma in Thailand
Dave Ens Pastor Adult Ministries
Isaiah 11:1-2 The coming of Jesus brings a hope that justice will prevail. The power abusers will become powerless.
Hope changes everything.
We have that little bit of misplaced hope that the Rough Riders have learned to count and that changes everything
4 primary ways to make life right for yourself; 1. right rules 2. Right leaders 3. Right environment 4. Punish evildoers. That does not work.
Isa 61:1-4
Christmas gives us a new way of looking at the future.
Last year we set a budget of $25,000 for forward house on Christmas eve. We raised $40,000
If someone video taped your Christmas Celebration at home, and someone who knew nothing about Christmas, watched it, what would they say?
Are we just looking for comfort? Are we distracting ourselves from. the Hope of Christmas? Ricardo had a hope spoken into his life. "Pu.rsue your dreams." That has been a struggle. Got influenced by people who said money and drugs is everything. Glitz glamour and fun. But it was all stress. Watch your back. Came to Foreward House and got to know God. Baptized at Eastview. Now life has changed. Had to leave behind so many friends. Now see a bright landscape ahead. The evil is now behind me.
God has the new re-defining hope ahead of us. There is always a leaving that has to take place. Leave old thinking. Consumerism?
Christmas is God turning things on their heads
Burma was once a very Christian country but the church has been persecuted almost to extinction. Dave and Louise will be here in the next few weeks (Dec 12). We want to raise funds for their work this Christmas.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Crossing Together: I Believe in YOU
We had a busy week with being the Christmas Child Shoe Box central of Winnipeg.
Next Sunday's monthly Fusion service embraces a new worship style.
Jan 9 One Heart Celebration at MTS Centre
1. God loves each of us
After 20 years many churches fade. We want to continue to be relevant to this generation. We need to capture the heart of why we are coming together. We need to help the new generation to be in tune with God's heart. Moses mentored the new leader. Joshua failed to train the new leadership. A generation faded away.
Why am I here? 1989 sold the business after a phone call calling them to set up a radio station in Paraguay. 2 months later the call was off, till the Paraguay group was told no funding without Delbert. while waiting for that project decided to open up Christian bookstores no matter what.
John wrote 3 words that have impacted Delbert more than anything else.
We need to mentor someone. Younger people need to seek out older mentors.
1. Ask questions. the Jailer asked Paul - what must I do to be saved?
What's the best book best advice biggest regret what do you see in me?
2. Learn to listen. Make notes. Books of notes. Put it in practice. Go back to the notes. Phil 4:9
4. Honour your Coach / Mentor wash his car. Rom 12:10
Who wants to become better?
Do you feel intimidated? Have you gone through dark times? You qualify as a life Coach. Tell others how you survived.
Be an example. Titus 2:7
God has called you to be a Paul. A game changer. Commit yourself to tell others your story.
Pray about this. Ask God to guide you. God has given you hope.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Candlelight Memorial
In the quiet curve of evening in the sinking of the day, you are there
In the rest between the phrases in the gaps between the meaning in the melting down of ending In the empty cave of grieving in the desert of my dreamings you are there In the tunnel of my sorrow you are there
Sleep peacefully, my precious ones
There's an angel standing over me in the brilliance of a star when the waves of night are rolling in they'll be there burning bright with the light that will live on
What beautiful and caring souls we have all been truly blessed In a garden far from here there's an angel come to rest
Tonight I hold this candle in memory of you Kris, Jason, and Renee
Approximately 150 people came together to light candles in memory of sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces nephews. Most families had 4 or more relatives to share the grief. We had no one to sit with us.
This Candle says I love you
This Candle says I miss you
When I'm holding it toward heaven It feels like you are near If you are looking down tonight and see this candle burning bright It says I'in wishing you were here
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Crossing Together: Play the Odds
Skit - If you (mom) can't love me for who I am, how am I supposed to believe God can?
Pastor Delbert Enns:
When a baby has to throw up and he feels better, we compliment him / her. A little later when he does that we ask him "when will you ever grow up?" It's a mixed up world.
We need to build a sustainable model. Play the odds as parents. We have failed to set the measuring tools of success in raising the next generation. Some of us resign too soon. You are never finished being a person of influence for the next generation. Ps 71:18 Oh God, let me proclaim your power to the next generation. Some of you need to step back into the calling God has for you. Children's ministry etc.
Culture says you have to have well rounded happy kids. Is that what employers look for?
Culture says give the kids what they want and you'll get them off your back.
David wanted to raise a new generation that is full of integrity.
There is more to success than happy kids.
The current under 30 generation has 3 major obstacles:
1. Life of entitlement. They have been taught they are always a winner. Everything is achievable. Always the best Johnny. When you can't have it all you question God.
2. You define truth as you see it. You live as though God dos not exist. Truth is defined by your feelings. You think sin is ok because it makes you feel good. When sin catches up to you, you blame God. Jesus is the truth. Get to know him.
3. You delay adulthood. Never make a decision. Move in and out of your parent's house. You don't become an adult till you have your 1st child. That's when life starts.
You are the most cause driven generation in history. You want to make a real difference. You fight for justice.
God believes in you. God chose you. When Jesus died he washed away your sins. You need to believe Jesus. He wants you to be an influence in this world
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Carolyn Arends and Amanda Falk Concert
It's me it's me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer
We came from Saskatoon today. Thanks for throwing a Santa Claus parade for us!
Be still (vacation) and know that I am Lord. There would be a lot less frustration
This is who you are.
Amanda is a multi juno award winner
Beautiful things - Every single star - you are all to me
From the new album:
Look for the Light - in the darkest moments. We can know the one who raises the sun every morning.
This song was inspired while waiting at Toronto airport. This song is a prayer for everyone at the airport. Can you see us? It is hard to breathe down here. The sun will rise again.
Amanda finally wrote a happy love song 4 days after she met Jacob. They are getting married this coming January. Symphony: A girl with dark hair - we will be dancing side by side when the world has lost the ability.
Amanda: Thanks mom & dad for all the years of Royal Conservatory lessons.
Forest fires are sometimes set to create a new more prolific forest. God's restoration makes us better. Unbreakable: I was A seed under a forest that burnt to the ground. Winter covered me. Under ashes. You God are holding me. The world is breaking apart. You are holding my heart. You are unbreakable.
Carolyn was in Thunder Bay with Steve Bell some time ago - going there again tomorrow. Steve Bell's grandma said she was keeping busy memorizing as many songs as possible in preparation for her trip to Glory. She's getting ready for glory. There is one reason why God has us here - we're gettin ready for Glory.
Carolyn & Mark had their 1st baby after 9 years. Ben is now 12. One Valentine's day when he got $5 he said: $5 does not say I love you. But $20 does.
When my room is ready I'll go home. They'll tell me we've been waiting for you.
Babies when they are born are bundles of holiness
Compassion deals with more than one million kids. They partner with churches to establish learning centers where they feed and educate sponsored children. Every day 500 kids are saying "YES!" to Jesus. Children rescued from hopelessness for $41 @ month. Sponsors mean everything to them.
Dance like no one is watching.
Easter is never saying good bye. Jesus is making preparations in the world beyond all time. We never say goodbye.
The Love Was Here First tour.
Boa constrictors don't know they are dead when they get their head chopped off. They thrash around for hours after. Satan had his head chopped off at Calvary he just doesn't know it yet.
Love was here first. The grave came up empty. Love has the last word.
Blues song- you goto rollit- rollit- unto God.
Trevor Dick born in Africa to missionary parents. Plays 5-string S African violin.
Amanda: So glad to be home again. Parents and friends are here. We sang at home and church. She wrote a new worship song: I Will Exalt; Your Presence is the air I breathe. I will exalt you Lord. There is no one like you God.
I wanna be quiet in your arms just like a child.
Carolyn: We don't always get what we want but we get what we need. We are schemers like Jacob the deceiver. You make something out of us. We fall asleep like Peter but you make disciples out of us and turn us into your church. You make children out of sinners.
I know a girl that was schooled in Manhatten. I know a doctor who left his six figure job and works with the poor.
I've got a home I've got a hope I've got a home that is not of this world.
If you are in Ottawa I recommend you go to hear this show. Good humor. Inspirational.
November 21, 2010 - 6:00pm
The Metropolitan Church
2176 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K2E 0A1
Telephone: 613-238-8182
Sunday, November 07, 2010
World Premiere
120 volunteers starred in the movie.
Life is a series of problems- we are all trying to make sense of suffering. This is Job's story. Interlake Christian Films.
The movie starts with Job celebrating 100 years. Then Satan talks to God and Job's problems start. Job and his friends are chatting about why righteous would ever suffer. While they are chatting bad things are happening. Good sound effects and visuals while the thieves are stealing and the fire rains down and the house collapses and the whole family is wiped out.
They forgot to add tears and emotion to the funeral.
What have we done to deserve this sorrow? Where is the Lord in it? Job's wife asks. Then Job gets stricken. Curse God she says. But Job struggles to go back to the altar. He cursed the day he was born. He says I wait for death.
If God causes us to suffer, why follow him? My life makes no sense. God, why do you use me for target practice? Kill me already. We all deserve death but God gives us hope.
My dad did not appreciate the loud bass background noise (music).
I was honoured, now I'm despised. I will die alone.
Then Job's wife prays for him and he is able to get a good night's sleep. When he wakes up he has been healed. Then they go the altar to worship God.
There God speaks to Job. Where were you when I laid the world's foundation?
Mennville EMC
Jesus Cares About Us
Sometimes we can find our gifts by stepping out. Jason and Karen have stepped out to places we could not have imagined.
Jesus calls the Least to work for him. Paul calls himself the Chief Sinner. Paul says he is weak. We are inclined to use our weakness not to serve. But God Calls the weak. Jesus uses us the way He made us.
It costs to follow Jesus. Peter and his Men had been fishing all night. Jesus asked him to go out again. Peter was tired but he went out anyway. They got a bumper catch and then Jesus asked them to follow him. It's not a sacrifice if it costs nothing. Peter's attitude changed instantly. This was not the 1st miracle Peter had seen. His wife's mom had been healed.
Peter's dad now had a good catch to clean and sell.
The choice was between good and better.
2. How can we be sure of Gods calling?
3 . The Call can be a process. Not out of the blue. Jn 1:35 the wine, the temple clearing all came before. They were reluctant followers and were slow in commitment.
If I hear Jesus' voice today, it's likely not the first time. He does not give up until we get the message. He keeps calling.
How do I interpret his call on my life? Some are generous, others faithful, maybe you are seeing a pattern of God given gifts. Maybe you know what God has called you to. Or maybe God is giving you new directions.
Dwight got elected to a leadership team. Slowly God is calling him to take on more leadership.
Karen - God called her to Jordan and step by step he called her to the Leadership.
The disciples made a choice that has blessed us for millenia. It is worth it.
Carl M says if we want to follow Jesus we need to know where He is.
He will guide us as long as we keep listening for further instructions.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Paul travels to Europe
The Spirit of Jesus prevented Paul numerous times from going where he wanted to. Finally God sent him a vision of the Macedonian Man. That meant going across the mountains.
God plants his church
1. Through God seekers. The first city they come to did not have a synagogue so Paul and company went to the river to find out if there would be a prayer meeting. There was.
2. Through miracles of conversions of the witch
3. Persecution
4. Natural events. An earthquake
God builds his church in various ways.
In DR a lot of people were killed by a demonic monster on a bridge until a group of church leaders had an all night prayer vigil.
3300 people groups have never heard the gospel. God is sending us to those who have never heard.
#456 My Jesus I love You
Friday, October 29, 2010
CMU 10th Anniversary Celebration
CMU Singers and Chamber Choir performed beautiful music including A Pentatonic Alleluia and Sanctus
Student David talked about his Outtatown experience
A Season of Possibility: Building the foundation
A multimedia presentation listed the key founding leaders.
Dr Earl Davey devotional: There is one need. Discover myself while discovering God. We must have God dwelling with us and in us. The pursuit of God and his pursuit of us. Seeking to know and love God- to walk humbly with our God.
At CMU together we seek to know God. Transformation of heart and mind.
Art DeFehr: A season of Possibility. CMU was not a foregone conclusion. It took a lot of hard work.
he had a long lunch with the Premier of Manitoba. On top of the Swiss Alps. Came to an educational funding agreement. Negotiated the charter to establish this university.
1. Mennonite Conference support.
2. Superior accreditation
3. Relationship with public university
4. Gov't support
5. Urban
6. Other Mennonite institutions
7. Attractive location
8. Less political baggage in Canada.
CMU can shape our future. Only limited by our faith and...
Rudy Shellenberg Conducted: The Morning Trumpet. "I shall mount above the skies when I hear the trumpet sounding"
Tear jerkingly beautiful!
Dessert: pies by Crystal Springs Colony. I got my favorite: Delicious Pumpkin Pie.
A Season of hope: Envisioning the future
Students shared their experiences. One of them has become an advisor to the premier. Another one works with under privileged
Dr Gerald Gerbrandt CMU President
Increasing recognition in Canada and attracting more non-Mennonite students. Now an established Christian University with a good variety of courses..
1. Vocational training
2. Value added education who we are in God's plan
3. Building the church and ispiring students to make a difference.
4. Impact the Community. A light on a hill.
Formed 10 years ago. Now the largest Anabaptist educational institute.
Our Values are relevant in this age. Making a difference in peace and reconciliation
Congregational Song: Praise my Soul the God of Heaven
Bruce Baergen CMBC / CMU Board Co-Chair 2000 with 45 board members to guide the process of merging 3 Bible Schools. Donations welcome.
Herta Janzen Concord / CMU Board Co-Chair 2000
Jack Loepp Menno Simons College / CMU Board Co-Chair 2000
Closing prayer and blessing.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Randy Bachman
Too loud in small space at the Convention Centre
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Premier Selinger: a year ago this was a dream. What an opportunity for the world to get together. SMEs have built our country. All the best to you.
Co-Chair David Angus Wpg Chamber.
A long journey. A labour of love. 20 Countries 600 business leaders here.
Centrallia started in France 20 years ago
Thanks for all the government support.
Business sponsors
Introduction by Sheldon Bowles. Domo gas founder.
Chair of Precision Metalcraft.
Congratulations to Centrallia for inviting Ken Blanchard award winning speaker. Owns training company Ken has had 3 million hits.
Been friends with Ken since 1977. Ken has faith. God placed a saint in our midst. He leads with love. He is kind. Never once has he said an unkind thing about anything or anyone. Met him in Chicago after he had been at a ball game. Always full of energy. Gentle Nice. Not impressed with success.
Ken Blanchard: Wish my dad was still alive. He would have been proud. My mom would have believed that.
Just finished a day at Westjet- a 15 year old Company and a major player.
An influence process. Life roles. Positions.
3 things.
1. Be a bearer of hope. Assure your people that "We can solve these problems". Be the Chief spiritual officer. Pump up your associates. Share your Vision over and over. Celebrate. Greet everyone as a long lost friend. Know how to manage everyone's activity. Be positive. You behavior changes others.
Your mind is like a computer. Garbage in garbage out. Be positive. Tell the person in the mirror that he's wonderful.
2. Your people are your partners. They own the place get out of their way. None of us as smart as all of us. If you have a problem in the business you want everyone to lose sleep. It's not about you.
3. Lead at a higher level of Servant Leadership.
Servant leadership has 2 parts. Vision. Direction
Westjet does best because they have a vision. Values. Goals - help people to accomplish worthwhile goals while helping People. Profit is the applause you get for delivering Value. We need a list of Fortunate 500 Companies. Provider of choice. Investment of choice.
Without Values you have a free for all.
Disney Values:
1. Safety 2. Courtesy 3. Show 4. Efficiency.
My charge. Leadership is - Are your people clear about your vision, values, goals? That's the leadership part of Servant leadership.
The servant part is to turn the Pyramid upside down. Cheer on your people.
When Jesus was washing his disciples feet they caught the Vision.
There are 2 kinds of people: ducks and eagles. Ducks go quack quack. Eagles take care of it and get it done.
One time Ken went to airport without his ID. Southwest says to their people "use your brains". They guided him through security with the picture in his book. The big connecting airline did a lot of quacking before they let him on and only after he kissed up to the boss manager.
It's always the leader that sets the tone of an organization. The new director of Departmert of Motor Vehicles said: My job is to organize the department moment by moment to take care of the citizens. They made sure every citizen got top notch service.
Don't beat people up
When it comes to decisions use your brains. Leaders need to be there to support staff to be the best they can be.
Are you a self-serving leader?
Read the book: Ordering Your Private World.
Driven people think they own everything.
Servant leader says thank you. They encourage people to grow into their position.
Self-Serving leaders tie their self worth to their job.
Significance & generosity make life worthwhile. What do you do with your time?
Loving relationship.
Read the book: When Life is Over It All Goes Back in the Box. The only thing you save is your soul.
At 4 pm put one of 2 stickers on everything: "important forever" or "temporary"
Only love lasts. In the "Ghost" Movie Sam dies. Then he protects Mollie in the after life. Finally he says I love you to her and goes to heaven. Love is all you can take out of here.
Love creates performance and satisfaction
All else goes back in the box.
Inukshuk to guide people.
We are the fortunate 600 here.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Simulcast Funeral for Ben L Dueck
My Cousin, and Martha's Uncle.
The obituary was read in high German and in Spanish.
He was born in Rosenort Manitoba in 1930 and moved to Mexico where he lived his whole adult life. Married to Mary Plett for almost 60 years, they enjoyed their large family.
Low German message by my cousin Harold Plett. He talked about being ready to go across the Jordan. All of our righteousness is not enough to assure us a safe passage. Only through Jesus will we be saved and welcomed into our heavenly dwellings. So many people have to go across the Jordan alone. Don't be one of them.
English song ''When all of God's singers get home"
Message in Spanish (by Johan Rempel) was not very useful to me. The speaker quoted lots of Scriptures, but spoke very slowly suggesting to me that Spanish was not his first language.
Prayer. Great God thank you for reminding us that life comes to an end. Thank you for the salvation you offer us.
More songs in English. This world is not my home I'm just a passing through.
I am going to a city where the roses never fade. Here they bloom but for a season soon their beauty is decayed.
In German: 1. Could not understand any of this song.
2. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see!
Sharing time.
Unde Ben came to Belize a few times we had a good time.
Ronald - Ben was my Brother-in-Law for 60 years. One time when they came to visit. He wanted to go fishing. He really enjoyed that day on that northern lake. He was the only one to catch fish. We enjoyed that catch.
Tina Reimer - 16 years ago we had the funeral for my husband. Ben and Mary came for that. That was very nice.
Ronald Kornelson. Ben had real sense of humour and wisdom.
Annual Riverton Community Worship Service
.... from the east we receive peace & light .... Thanks for the Tree world .... Help as to be wise in use of resources sharing them ....
From the south come teachings of caring sharing and warmth .... Thanks for the Animal world ....
From the west come teachings of faith .... thanks for rocks and water .... Holy Spirit breathe over the waters ....
From the north come purifying winds ... Give us strength .... Thanks for plants kindness wisdom ....
From above comes unconditional love ....
From the earth comes the gift of life .... Thanks for our time on earth. May we live life to make things better for those who are yet to come .... We give you our hearts and minds .... To our Creator and Savior .... May we learn to celebrate the way of peace, harmony and tranquility in our Families Communities Country and World around us .... thank you Jesus.
Children's Story - The smiling pumpkin had jucky stuff inside that the farmer had to take out and throw away. Then he made a happy face on the pumpkin and put a light inside. That's what God wants to do for each of us.
Thanks for the leadership in our Community. They are what make our community a good place to live.
I wouldn't miss heaven for the world - there is nothing in this world I'd trade...
I'm satisfied with just a cottage below... I've got a mansion just over the hilltop in that bright land where we'll never grow old
Speaker John Ingalls was born and raised on the east coast, 28 years with RCMP, now retired and pastoring in Hecla.
Born and raised on a little island in the Bay of Fundy in the Village of Seal Cove
Had his first boat at age 10. Parents brought us up in the faith.
At 16 bought his first dory and 16 lobster traps. Fishing was all he wanted to do. Father knew fishing was a dying business. Quit school at Grade 11 and went commercial fishing. Went back to school and took the RCMP test. Great grandfather was murdered during prohibition.
After joining a commercial fishery got a call to join RCMP but did not want to.. too much money in fishing. Then the boat sank.
Decided to make dad happy and join the RCMP.
During training had to learn to swim.
In March the boat I was going to go on got run over and all aboard were killed. That made me bitter
When I got transferred to Manitoba I met the love of any life on a blind date. She helped to
bring me back to God. When we were stationed in Prince George I became a dog handler and got known as the meanest man.
His father went into the bush back east and prayed for his son until God assured him that John was going to change.
One day he had to track some criminals and got lost in the bush. In freezing rain. Then he prayed for God to get him out of this mess. Then saw a star that guided him back to his car.
A preacher invited him to church but he heard nothing. God was asking him "What are you going to do about that promise you made in the bush?" Then Maxine asked him what are you going to do? That's when he went to the alter to pray. When he got home he drained all the alcohol. The next morning when he kissed his wife Maxine goodbye he slipped and fell. From what used to be a foul mouth came something his wife had never heard before: "Praise the Lord anyway"!
They adopted 3 children and learned what it means for Got to adopt us.
When God comes in He will change your life. Faith gives you the Victory.
He did it for me he can do it for you.
The world premiere of the motion picture "Where is my Father?" will show in Riverton in 2 weeks. Tickets available on the website. The Job Project.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Congratulations to Menno & Mary

Menno & Mary 40th Anniversary Celebration 10/10/10
The Romance that Stumbled, then Blossomed
Congratulations on 40 years of living, loving, and sharing life together! You have been blessed to have each other; to have a family of children who love Jesus; and you continue to be a blessing to thousands.
I so much wish we could be with you on this day of celebration, but unfortunately business concerns have made that impossible. We hope that we can visit soon.
Growing up, my Dueck cousin Menno and I spent as much time together as we could. I remember when we put traps on top of fence posts in our pasture. We hoped to trap birds and one robin was unlucky enough to get caught.
We spent hours wandering all over our pastures and spent entire days in the mountains trying to find a gold mine. We explored caves and dug for gold in the mountain creeks. We never did find our pot of gold. We did, however, encounter big rattlesnakes and many other dangers but managed to return home without serious injury.
We attended Ebenfeld school together. I think our favorite class was English. Our least favorite part of grade 7 was our teacher.
Growing up, my Plett Cousin Mary's brother Victor and I spent as much time together as we could. We lived a few kilometers from each other; just over the hill. So we visited back and forth - Corny, Peter, Victor and I. We rode our horses and admired the caterpillar tractor that got stuck on the road between our homes. I remember Mary and Leona always being together and always cheerful. We saw each other a lot at family gatherings.
When I was 14 my family moved to Canada. We kept in touch by mail.
For Christmas of 1967 my family travelled to Mexico. When we got there we spent lots of wonderful time visiting both sides of my family. At some point during that time, I asked Menno what he thought of my Plett cousin Mary. His first response was that he had thought about her a lot. He’d like me to make some inquiries of her next time I saw her. Her response was positive, and so a romance was born.
If I remember correctly, they corresponded with me for some time by mail and I continued the role of matchmaker from Canada. At some point one of them thought this would no longer work. I kept encouraging them to keep at it and then one day they got married! I may have those letters somewhere, but I’m not sure where. If I find them, I will hand deliver them when we come to visit.
Over the years we have kept in touch, but not nearly often enough. Menno, Mary, both of you are dear to my heart.
I remember your visits to Canada and our visit to Mexico almost 20 years ago. I assume you got a copy of the video I took when we were there?
Climbing the “Steile Boajch” (steep mountain) with your family and ours, has been a very pleasant memory since then.
I wish you both all the best and many more happy and fulfilling years together.
Love and Hugs
Raymond & Martha Dueck
Setting Our GPS: Get Going!
Announcements: 276 Kingsbury Habitat Blitz Saturday all day
7pm Saturday Awards Night recognizing those who fight human trafficking
1sts for October - lawn mowing and bug spray!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Belong & Grow is easy for church members. We do it and may get to feel full. Another sermon?!
Is this all there is?
Word & Deed- being sent or sentness. Do good things. God pours into us and we need to pour into others.
Eph 3:20 - 4:1 you have the power in you! Paul is begging us to live a life worthy. To follow. With our unique gifts.
Moving somewhere. Action - 3 ways of following Jesus.
1. Close behind following
2. Cheering Jesus on but not doing anything.
3. Asking Jesus to follow us. To bless us in our activities.
Following Jesus is about doing what He wants us to do. We will go where Jesus goes. To follow Jesus is to be sent. Missional.
Jn 17:18 As you sent me I send them. In the same way. How was Jesus sent? Luke 8 Jesus and the disciples are on a boat going to "the other side". They met a demon possessed man. In Gentile territory. Tombs and pigs are out of bounds for Jews. Godly people are not expected there. Jesus was sent to the unclean. We are also expected to go into unclean places. Places where God is not expected to be. Is that where you work?
The Community had learned to live with the crazy man in the tombs. We should never learn to live with injustice and human suffering. Not ever be apathetic.
The pigs drowned. Bizarre but even pigs are not outside the Power Of God. Demons know the power of God - do we?
God's power restores society. People experience Community. The crazy man was clothed and in his right mind. v35 they were afraid! We are sometimes scared of the power of God in our lives.
Is it not strange that no one was happy that the crazy man was cured? We only want a manageable amount of God's power.
Luke 8 the man wanted to go with Jesus. To be safe. But Jesus sent him into his Community. Tell every one what Jesus did for you. How your life has now changed.
1. Based on what I know who am I being sent to?
2. With whom?
3. What do I do once I get there?
Pray that you will truly follow Jesus.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
What is True Fellowship?
Pastor Colin (& Dawn) Bell
Music Brad Driedger's Worship Team.
1 Sam 18:1-4 Lessons from the life of David
Social networking is exploding. Facebook helped me connect with Kindergarten "friends" but some of them just become part if a list.
What is true friendship? Multiplies Joy, divides grief, understands silence, stays true. Friend is the first one to come running when every one runs away. Become interested in other people and you will have friends.
David & Jonathan shared a common purpose. They made a love covenant. Soul knit to soul. Kindred spirits friendship. Soulmates.
3 marks of true friendship.
1. Relational. Who is your true friend? 1 Sam 23:17 Jonathon knows David will be king.
True friendship seeks God's will
a) to be fulfilled in each other's life -what does that mean? Are we willing to put aside my interest?
b) goes beyond self interest.
c) even when it contradicts your own desires. Jonathan handed over his prince's symbols to David.
2. True friendship seeks truth. Build up people around you that disagree. Let your life be open and investigated.
A) Seek an answer - what is my iniquity? Allow friends to correct and speak truth into your life. Start with your spouse. What am I like to be with? Get some honest answers.
b) Jonathan's response. He questions David. They scheme up a test to find out what the situation is. Saul was seeking to kill him. True friendship seeks the truth even if it means it will be tested.
3. True Friendship Trusts.
Shared issues are safe.
Go in peace. When Jonathon passed away David took care of Jonathon's son.
4. What kind of friend am I? Are we willing to speak truth in the lives of friends?
Do we want to have true friends? Or just acquaintances.
Do we have 6 people that would come to our funeral and not look at the clock? Those are our true friends.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Setting our GPS: Get Growing!
Jody: I will rejoice I will declare God is my Victory and He is here.
Delbert Enns, Pastor
Eph 2:10 we are God's Masterpiece. Do you feel that way 1st thing in the morning?
Joined YMCA to get in shape. After 4 laps around the pool he was totally wiped.
Imagine God having a conversation with you trying to get you in shape and chisel away the dross. Do you want to give God the freedom to change you?
We all desire to be good. More like God. We don't want the pain of God changing us.
A young man Jesus met walked away sad because he did not want to change. We think 1 hour in church is what we need to do to be good.
Often we forget that we need community. Does God's word change us inside? Do we think we can change on our own? No. Spiritual growth at its best is done in community.
Listen now. In Community we read God's Word. To find what I need to do. No - read the Bible to find out who God is. Not what I need to do. Read the Bible. 30 day reading plan. 365 days? Do you want to know who God is?
The Cross. Baptism. There are few non negotiables. Baptism is one of them. You need to become part of the community. Intro to EastView course is coming up.
3. Regular church Attendance. Very important. Faithfulness. For 2,000 years Christians have gathered together. Faithfully with the same group of Christians. I love my church. Who remembers me? I want to commit myself to get together.
Rocks (sin) can hurt. Confession and repentance are needed so the rocks can he removed. Confess and pray to be healed.
Dear God - I'm turning everything over to you. Make me you masterpiece. I love you God
God does not make junk.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lorna Dueck at Providence College
The Koran burner is a nightmare for Christians.
Tea Party and comedians.
We are connected to diversity.
10 years ago we had 1.3 million enthno cultural Canadians. By 2031 14 million or 36% will be ethno cultural. StatsCan.
Immigrants will live in the 3 big cities.
What does it mean to be Canadian? In 20 years the non-Christian population will double.
Lorna recently did a program at Ground Zero. There is a huge backlash against the Muslims. Most Imams are moderate and want to educate people to love one another.
Lorna went to Winkler Bible School and met a wonderful farmer. Wanted to be a good farm wife. Vern told her to start writing.
When Jesus' disciples asked: Who sinned - where is the blame for the man born blind? Jesus told them that they were asking the wrong question. Ask what can God do in this situation?
Standing on the edge and yelling for change, does not change anything. Get involved with diversity. We need to be on our knees asking what can God do?
It's not the same Canada as a generation ago when 95% checked off "Christian". That is rapidly going down. What can God do with this?
Providence College has and is making a difference in this world.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Mennville EMC Riverton
Retrospective on church singing (trip down memory lane)
Who were the early song leaders?
Henry P Plett
Aaron P Plett
Bernie Thiessen
Ed Harms for 30 years
Early song books:
German, a red chorus book,
"Spiritual Songs and Hymns" had 80 songs pertaining to Evangelism /18 in the new The Hymnal
66 heaven /16 new book
Common Songs
"When we all get to heaven"
Dwight Plett pastor
Had a good summer here in Mennville
Series on the Life and Teachings of Jesus
We are now in 11th Message in the series.
Luke 4 The inauguration of his public Ministry.
Jesus did not come to start a new religion-
To be religious like the teachers but he kept coming to the synagogue.
Jesus was not a Christian. He was a Jew. He was not concerned about religion.
2. Not Concerned about popularity
People's opinions change fast. Justin Beeber is on top of the world. Michael Jackson was there once.
Fan clubs turn on their idols. They ended up crucifying him.
He stirred up controversy and pointed out that God shows favour to Gentiles. Why did he say things that would get them mad?
3. Jesus came to initiate a movement of faithfulness. Forsake all and follow. Expect persecution. But be not offensive. Love your enemies.
4. He did not come to be boring. He was not subdued and safe. Dorothy Sayers. He was not boring but he gives a fulfilling life
5. What did he come to do? Preach liberty. To fulfill Scripture. Preach good news. Not religion.
Why? What would you say if someone asked you what Jesus came for?
What's the good news? Who are the poor?
He had a broader definition than praying the sinner's prayer.
The gospel is for the poor. Woe to the rich. Awareness of need is the critical element. Aware of insufficiency -the poor in spirit- those for whom the gospel is good news.
If the good news does not sound good to you, you are poor.
Many people know what Christian generosity is. Giving our goods away is not good news for our society.
Jesus sets captives free. The greatest challenge ever
Are we ready to face the challenge?
We pray that God's will be done in our lives.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Parkland Pentecostal Church in Marathon ON
Pastor dreamed that lots of people came to church to hear him. He said: who am I? And the Holy Spirit said, it's not about you, it's about Jesus.
We are no-names but the secret is in the presence and power of the HS. The spirit quickens.
Acts 2 they were all of one accord in one place. Not off to Florida.
God gave his blessings. they had waited. When the blessing came it was a MIGHTY wind. Suddenly. Bid they control the wind? The fire? No one was left out. Even Mary the mother of Jesus had a tongue of fire on her head. Each of them were filled with the Spirit. Overflowing. Almost bursting! All filled. Received this treasure in earthen vessels. All the People were amazed. Peter was quick explain what this was all about.
All were filled. No yawning.
Oh, God do it. This is the secret of growth.
Father, thank you for your Word today. Fill me with your Spirit. In your Name, the one that is above every name. Hallelujah!
Communion - this is the new Covenant. Do this in remembrance of what Jesus did.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Church east of Dryden?
We are on our way to Toronto with Alayna's household goods.
Friday, September 03, 2010
CMU lab in memory of Renee
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Life of Joseph: Finishing Well
Dave Ens
As a pastor I have the privilege of spending time with people in the last days of life. Christians have this beautiful clarity about God's love at such a time. The sense of shalom and dignity. So beautiful.
Joseph's story ends. Jacob's father comes into the picture. He wants to finish life well. 26% of Joseph's story is about death and dying. 3 chapters. Jacob's life had issues. Before his death he decided to finish well. Gen 48:1-4 Joseph and his sons cane to see him.
Rivalry can take over a team at the expense of the team. Dave's coach dealt with it. He made them run together for 2 hours. If you can't play together you will puke together.
Jacob reminded Joseph that he was here because of God's promises to Abraham. Often we look at individual accomplishments and idolize people. Too much confidence in ourselves.
Life starts with Jesus in the centre of our lives if we want balance in our lives.
Sometimes we think we need to take control of our lives and our spiritual journey.
It is God living through me. Gal 3:29 we are children of God through Christ.
Plans of people would turn against Joseph's family. Ps 146:4 don't trust princes. Trust God.
Are you striving to live on your own strength (Egyptian) or in God's strength? If you say YES to Christ you must say NO the idols of this life. You can't have it both ways.
When you live for Christ you will live with extravagant generosity. Because you know God will bless you. With abundance. You have the promise of God - what are you going to do with it?
You can listen to this series at
The visits counter says 150 people read this blog every week. I wonder who and why?
Karl Kohut's Last Recital
All those years of hard work and study came shining (ringing) (sparkling) through. I love the way he plays that base. So accomplished!
Pieces included:
The Visitation by Paul Chambers.
Ask me Now - one of the best songs ever written for bass.
Fresh and lively arrangements and original compositions. Enjoyable.
Karl's compositions:
The Hourglass - an odyssey through life.
The Double K - Exuberant fun.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat - Rainbow Stage
My impressions and notes:
Very musical and imaginative.
When Potipher's wife tried to seduce Joseph he said: Please stop I don't believe in free love
In jail he sings: Do what you want with me, Children Of Israel are never alone. We have been promised a land of our own. In a dream sequence Joseph is encouraged to keep hope.
The amazing music of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber 60 voice children's choir was well choreographed
People who saw this production several years ago, say this one is quite different.
Elvis Pharaoh sings about the 7 fat and 7 skinny cows. This was over the top.
JoJo became #2 and got all dressed up.
Those Canaan Days we Used to Know" song did not make much sense. Maybe Joseph and his entertaining dreams were not so bad.
When the brothers show up at Joseph's palace, they say honesty is our middle name.
When Benjamin is found guilty the brothers sing not he - but we are the guilty ones. Show him some mercy Oh mighty One please.
Now Joseph knew they were honest and he introduced himself to them.
When Joseph meets his father his father bows down to him. Then Joseph bows to his father.
May I return to the beginning. The world and I are still waiting. Any dream will do! Such a dazzling Coat of Many colors. There is one more angel in heaven one more star in the sky. Joseph's dreams will never die!
If there is a criticisim it would be that are too many styles of music for one show, but it makes for variety.
Fabulous! Don't miss it. They refer to the Bible frequently so hopefully some people will go home and read theirs.
The Life of Joseph: Say what you Mean, Mean what you Say!
Pastor Delbert Enns
The 235 DVBS children made blankets to be send to Africa. Pictures on-line.
What are you willing to do for ten million dollars? abandon family church give away their children?
What if you found a $10 bill what would you do? Give it away to someone as an act of kindness?
A young man called his employer anonymously asking if they needed an honest hard working man. The answer was no, they already have one.
Why should we believe in Jesus? Christ's followers: Say what you Mean, Mean what you Say!
People are walking away from Christ because so many Christians do not. Mean it speak it. People want authenticity and quality.
Integrity is not possible by living a man-made code of ethics. Joseph is proof of that.
4 spheres of life that overlap.
1. Personal
2. Family
3. Work place
4. Spiritual
Unless Jesus is in the center these 4 spheres will not come together.
Integrity is a word that comes from Latin- sine sera without wax.
Potipher trusted Joseph completely. The jailer trusted him.
3 attributes of Joseph s integrity
1. Joseph did not use others for his own advantage. The great depression gave Joseph the opportunity to take advantage of others. Do we enjoy seeing others fail? 600b$ Lehman Bros. bankruptcy gave the Media a big story.
2. Joseph acted with mercy and fairness. Did he? Bring me your money animals and land and he fed them. When the famine was over he gave them their land back and taxed them only 20%
3. Integrity won the respect of the people. They were happy to be Pharaoh's servants. Does your work place integrity give you respect?
I can't be like Joseph? Are you happy satisfied w your life? Ph 2:6 Jesus gave up divine privileges and died a criminal's death on the cross. God elevated Jesus to the highest level. Only Jesus can make you everything God wants you to be.
How do we finish our race well? Jesus gives a new lease on life. The life we have received is for us to give away. Only then will we find it.
Invite Jesus in.
High Seas Expedition DVBS
Pastor Delbert Enns
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Discovery Church - Orange Ave Orlando
Anne Alexander just got back from Cambodia. They spent time with rescued sex trafficked workers, took them to the beach, fed them seafood, and presented then with care letters from the people at discovery Church. It was incredible.
Got a letter back from them that was very encouraging.
Our team saw miraculous things and some very difficult things. Here we are so safe, to hear their stories is hard. A mother brought her 5 year old that had been rescued from the brothel. World Hope International works with this rescue effort.
Is anyone's life different because of meeting together here? Kyle talked about his friend who lost his dad 4 years ago. He had lost his job and quit going to church until Kyle invited him.
Pray that we would live out what God wants in us. We love you Lord.
Sack Improv Comedy Club. The first thing they teach you to do is to quit thinking. That's hard to do because of insecurity we always filter everything we say and do. Today we are talking about Pride.
the cure for Pride, is to do something crazy no one expects you to do.
The pious need nice robes to cover their nudity.
Pride is haughtiness arrogance highness swelling when applied to self.
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. When we come to place of humility we allow God to sweep us in the direction of his grace and abundance. The beauty of the life he has planned for me. Relinquish ourselves to Christ. Sit with people and be honest share the truth of our brokeness. That gives freedom and beauty.
2 Cor 12 Keep from being conceited. There is a strange paradox with God. To become strong with God we yield to him in our weakness and brokeness. Our strength flows from the heart of God.
Uzziah become powerful and then decided he had the right to be a priest all by himself. That led to his downfall.
In January the speaker took on this ministry position and now recognizes that God is doing something bigger than him.
Don't forget the blessings of God who provides something big.
David said he had a slingshot and God. With that he defeated Goliath. God was his shield.
If you are feeling prideful try living a larger life. God created You for something bigger.
Become a Servant like Jesus. Jesus could have used his skills and knowledge to become a governor or Pharisee. Jesus spent his time with unskilled people and ministered to the outcasts and washed their feet of his followers.
Phil 2:3-11 Jesus sacrificed himself.
Jesus sat with an outcast woman and talked about true worship. No pretense
Stop trying so hard to please the world. Float with the grace of God
Stop trying to impress the world.
Allow God to lift you to new heights.
When death will be no more your bride will come together and all will be new
You make beautiful things.
Oh Christ be the center of our lives. You hold everything together.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Mark Hamill line up
The One Man Star Wars Show
Celebration V - tomorrow The Daily Show's Jon Stewart will interview George Lucas. To get into Celebration Theatre, fans are expected to line up all night. Not me!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 09, 2010
Ethiopia - the land of the Lion of Judah and the Ethiopian eunoch
Ethiopian food is THE BEST.
This is the first time the oldest civilisation in the world participated in Folklorama.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Ukrainian LVIV Pavilion
The End of An Era at LVIV
Later this month Alayna is planing to move to Toronto for her next year of University.
Tonight the show opened with the Dance of the Violins by the Yunisk ensemble. That was followed by a ''famous" soloist and other dances.
The fiddle group Northstar performed several numbers.
The Life of Joseph: Identity Disclosure
We are at a turning point in the story of Joseph.
We went on a road trip stood on the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial where Dr Martin Luther King delivered his "I have a dream" speech. That speech changed America. It was a pivotal point in the life of America.
Joseph was the 1st born of Joseph's favorite wife and he was sold by his jealous brothers. Joseph could have considered himself a victim. Today we have a culture of victimhood.
Joseph refused to be a victim. He had a dream in the midst of scars. He had the ability to see beyond his circumstances and scars. Gen 45:1 - God sent me to keep you alive. God made me governor of Egypt - not you.
When we are confronted with injustice, our true colors come out. We need a vision 50-20 - God is making things good in spite of evil.
God has the power to transform human evil to divine good.
Joseph means remover or increaser. He was now 42 years old. He removed the pain of rejection. The family was restored. The removal of hostility.
The Norwood family lived a godly Christian life. Their youngest daughter Joy (4)was killed in a hit and run. Could they continue to love God? ''The Heart of Texas". When they found that a family friend inadvertently did it, they forgave. Mr. Norwood prayed for his friend.
The sculptor needs the hammer and chisel. And polishing tools.
We all have scars. How can God use your scars to help others? To console others.
The greatest story of forgiveness is the Jesus story. Father forgive them. Jesus knew that freedom comes for those who believe in him.
Turn my scars and pain into something beautiful.
Phil 2:15 shine like lights without complaining.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Mexico: Folklorama 2010
Chilean Pavilion
The headliner performances came from Polynesian Easter Island, one of the most mysterious places on earth. How were those ancient peoples able to transport and erect those impressive statues there?
The layer cake was exceptional.
Next week there is a Chile Lindo pavilion.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Hungaria Pavilion Folklorama 2010
Karpat Hungarian Folkdancers entertains audiences all over North America.
26 Hungarian scientists have become Nobel prize laureates. Budapest University is the oldest technological university in the world.
Excellant food, music, and dance.
Transylvania is part of traditional Hungary. 2/3 of Hungary was given to neighbouring countries after WW1.
Kyiv Ukraine Pavillion
Jack Welsh Leadership Summit interview
A leader needs to draw out the wisdom of all the smart people. If 2 or 3 buy into your ideas stay at it till everyone is in.
Authenticity. Candor. Speaking truth. Get feelings on the table. Cut bureaucracy.
Differentiation. Top 20%, 70% Vital people, and 10% are losers.
Pay must be based on value contribution. Sports teams differentiate. Is winning good? You compete for a share of the pie. Candor must be driven in. Conversation should let me know where I stand. Most people spend all their time fixing the bottom 10. Fire them.
The top 20% are A's
They energize. They have a gene that says "I love to see people grow". They celebrate their people. They hire great people. They don't have envy.
B's the vital 70%. Hard working but not as gifted as the A's. The challenge is to nurture the top of the B's to become A's. Use a red pen during the appraisal.
C's are a pain in the arms. Negative. Acidic and disruptive. Antagonize. Boss haters you may have to tolerate them but shape them up because they are smart. Candor is OK. Back Corner Whisperer is someone you need to get rid of. Stop the after the meeting meetings.
The top 20 you pay them all you can. Who are you to evaluate people into 20-70-10? Is there a better way? Tell me if there is.
Could you have grown GE without 6 figure salaries? No.
How does a church compensate their top leaders? Those people made that choice. Outcomes come from choices. Non-profit does not mean non-Performance.
Biggest failure? We act too slowly. We don't want to break the glass because there might be potential fallout. But Fallout happens anyway.
Gridlock happens.
Succession planning. You did it well. How do you pass the baton?
What's the process? Started 8 years before retirement. One of the long shots won in the end. You never know how someone will perform at the next level.
Celebrations. Leaders must celebrate small victories. Every budget has some slush.
Personal. Health scare. Spent 104 days in the hospital because of staff infection. Asked Pastor Bill to "Toss one north for me." (pray)
Did that open up your heart? Open to the next leg of my Journey. I'm going to church all by myself.
Never, ever, ever, give up on somebody. What can happen when God gets a hold of your loved ones. Listen to God's whisper.
Daniel Pink: How to motivate people
Often we make wrong assumptions. Humans are semi-sophisticated robots? Not true. Humans are blobs? Passive and inert. Not true.
Our nature is to be active and engaged. Find me a 2 or 4 year old who is inert. There are some things that can make some people inert over time.
What works? What creates enduring motivation? Autonomy Mastery Purpose AMP
1. Autonomy- Management. Not a river tree or mountain. It's technology from the 1850s what are we doing? Mgmt is designed to get Compliance. But we want engagement. Who is your best boss?
Someone who gives you Autonomy over Time, Team, Task, Technique -that leads to engagement.
An Australian SW company has FedEx days where people can invent stuff for 20% of their time
Gmail was a 20% free time project.
How do you make this work?
Create Scaffolding. Help them with a FedEx day. 20% time with training wheels stabilizers. Start with 10% time for cool stuff
2. Mastery. Someone somewhere is playing a bassoon. Why? Because it's fun. What motivates people to work? The days when people make progress. It is free. Flow is the delicious part of our time when we lose track of time and get positive feedback. It is hard to get them at work. Performance review is bad theatre.
Take your performance review into your own hands. Set your goals at the beginning of the month. Review.
3. Purpose. We are seeing the limits of the profit motive. It is not the kind of thing that makes people race to work. People need to be motivated by Something larger than yourself. Do people use We or They in their conversations? "We" organizations will grow.
Can I change my organization? No. Can I change what I do tomorrow? Everything starts with Conversation. That's what changes the world.
W.L. Gore Global Leadership Summit
CEO Terry
Create the right foundation and values. The Gores learned from DuPont creating personal relationships so people don't feel like numbers.
What's different? Peer based organization to make everyone a success. People are vested to feel part of the whole. On demand hierarchy. Decision making shifts depending or who is best qualified to make a decision based on knowledge.
Ladder vs. Lattice organization everyone connects with everyone else. We don't tell people what to do or where. Leaders have to direct through influence. The energy has to shift to the people.
How do you prevent the herding cats problem> Jake the long term foundation I. Belief in to individual 2. Small teams. 3. All in the same boat. Our success is collective. 4. Long term View - not only profit- are we helping the Community.
How does my idea get funded? Convince others. What is your passion? Peer review process allows ideas to bubble up. The teams decide where they can make the greatest impact. Everyone likes to be viewed as making the greatest impact and gets paid on peer review. People can drive their Passion.
More coaches than bosses. Everyone has a personal sponsor. To help that person grow. To be successful is so important. The sponsor really helps every one. That has been extremely effective.
Maximum 250 people per plant. 18 plants in 25 miles. Small plants allow team work. Collaboration
It is scaleable with a Core set of Values. Beliefs are transferable. Hiring is critical. Spend a lot of time with behavioral interview. Does the person's values fit into your organization?
What is the waterline principle? No manuals.
Waterline the ship analysis. don't drill holes below the water line.
Leadership defined by followership. You are only a leader if you have followers. Because you have unique skills. Spend more time explaining yourself reaching out bringing the culture to life.
What does the CFO do? Stay out of the way. Encourage change while staying true to our Values. Over 50% the associates say they are leaders.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Global Leadership Summit: Dr Peter Zhau Xiao
This is the first time a Chinese Christian has had the opportunity to stand on a world stage like this.
You must lead people in the RIGHT direction.
In the last 500 years the Protestant revolution has been a most significant change.
Now China has come back. Over the last 5000 years China has been the largest economy 90% of the time.
Now China has dramatic economic growth. By the end of this year China will become the 2nd largest economy in the world. Not necessarily taking a leadership position. China has moral and environmental problems. There is no China dream. No moral leadership. There is an American dream. It includes Christian values. That generates respect. China needs to embrace Christian Values.
Thank you for all the Christian missionaries that have helped China over the years. By 1949 there were 1,000,000 Christians. God does not cease working. Mao thought he cleaned China of Christians. There are now 18-130,000,000 Christians in China. Soon China will be the largest Christian nation in the world.
There are only 2 transformations - one with the cross, one without.
America has built a city on a hill, shining the light in Asia. S Korea, Taiwan, Singapore have become Christian missionary sending countries.
China absorbs all cultures. China will integrate Christian culture.
China is chasing the market civilization. Soon they will build on the Christian faith with harmonious love society. Christian entrepreneurs keep one set of books.
China is being transformed by the cross. A Chinese "Mayflower" has set sail. China is becoming a new city on the hill as a light to be a blessing to the whole world.
A leadership that will bless the world.
You are invited to bless this process. We fear change. That's normal. Don't fear China. Help them become mature. God has given us the opportunity to influence China today and bless the future world.
Leadership Summit: Adam Hamilton
In a survey of 1000s of pastors 30% admitted to sexual impropriety. There is no one size fits all to prevent this. We believe in redemption. How do we deal with this?
4 options:
1. Say nothing
2. Be Evasive
3. Denounce and distance
4. Transparency Grace Openness Integrity and Compassion Trust Consequences. Church exists for broken people. Pray for them. Deal with how we all fail.
Are you going to be a Pharisee? Can you cast a stone?
That's the kind of church people want to be part of. Policies. If it smells like a date it is. Don't do it.
Do the Sex talk twice a year.
We are wired for reproduction. Companionship. We also have the sin drive, and that leads to self destruction. Prone to wander.
Picture sin in the most disgusting terms. The dog roots in the cat's litter box. It's easy to start flirting with exciting co-workers. The moment of the maybe- you play with it in your mind. That's where the slide starts.
Don't let the devil ride, cause he is going to want to drive. Say no.
There are seasons of love in life. That's life.
5 sin resisting rules:
1. Remember who you are - a child of the king.
2. Recognize the consequences - will I feel better later?
3. Stop drop and pray. God please help me.
4. Reveal your struggle to a trusted friend
5. Remove yourself from the situation. Better to enter the kingdom of heaven than stay where you are.
Don't shoot the wounded. Welcome the sinner coming home. God is the God of the 2nd chance. Offer yourself to God. I rededicate myself to you.
Leadership Summit 2010 Football Coach Tony Dungy
Mentor someone today.
That sounds intimidating. Find out how you con help someone.
Quotes from the Mentor Leader book:
How you do your job has always been more important than what you do.
You don't win on emotion - you win on execution.
Character is tested, revealed, & further developed by the decisions we make in the most challenging times. We have to know what is right and we have to choose to do it.
Who is Christ to you? He came to die for me!
Global Leadership Summit: Jim Collins
Why do some Companies move from Good to Great?
To be a Great Nation we must have great social systems.
But How Do The Mighty Fall? If it happens to others it can happen to us. Anyone can fall.
Sometimes an organization can be sick on the inside, but look strong on the outside.
5 stages of decline. Largely self inflicted.
1. Outrageous arrogance to neglect our calling. Just because we have good intentions does not mean we cannot make bad decisions.
Darwin Smith paper company CEO. No social skills. Made the company grow.
The Xerox CEO was magnetic. Inspiring. Never sought the role. An accidental CEO.
Southwest Airlines. Not a normal CEO. He was a weird one. When the going gets weird the weird become CEO. Why do they win? Commitment. Level 5 leader vs. Level 4
Humility makes the difference. That's the data. Do whatever it takes no matter the pain.
2. Overreaching -undisciplined pursuit of more. Packards law - too few good people. Are the seats filled with good people? Get the right people on the bus then figure out where to drive.
3. Culture of denial of risk and peril. Are your teams on the way up or on the way down. Where are you?
Admiral Stockdale "In Love And War". He never got depressed because he never wavered convinced that he would get out. The optimists did not survive. Never confuse faith and facts.
4. Grasping for salvation. Denied peril and they fell. Looking for a silver bullet. It is never a single event. Disciplined people taking disciplined action. Turn upon turn it is a leadership wheel. 5% better each year.
5. Capitulation. It is over. Out of choices and options.
18 visionary companies from 1989 are still going strong as independent companies. Why? They had a reason to endure. They knew why they existed. Driven by purpose beyond money.
4 people in Japan had a vision for quality and raising the living standards.
If we lose our values we lose everything. Consistency and change. Preserve the core and stimulate progress. Have a dream. Big hairy audacious goals.
10 To Dos
1. Do diagnostics www.JimCollins.COM
2. Count your blessings in a spreadsheet and make it at least 100.
3. Ask the right questions. Be interested.
4. How many of our key seats have good people in them?
6. In your next meeting create a list of of all the brutal facts.
7. How many people have a to do list? A STOP Do List is much more important.
8. Define results and milestones. Clicks on the flywheel
9. Double your reach to young people.
10. Have Big hairy audatious goals.
Peter Drucker wrote most of his books after age 85
So never capitulate. Never give in. You will have setbacks. Build a great business. Create your own future. Form alliances. Never give up on your Core Values.