This service today is in memory of pastor Don who passed away recently.
Unity and diversity. People telling their faith stories. God's Word in many languages. 1st Corinthians 12:12-13 Romans 12:3-5
English French Ukrainian Icelandic Spanish German
Hymn: The love of God.
Were every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade to write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.
Oh for grace to trust him more
Come thou fount of every blessing.
Faith story Menno Friesen
Sharing our faith walk should be an encouragement to you. Grew up in a wonderful home. Parents tried to install biblical values. I rebelled trying to do my own thing. Called Christianity a crutch. I wanted fire insurance for protection from the fries of hell. Was in several accidents and came out of it alive even though we got soaked in gasoline. Tried to hide during thunderstorms. In 72 went hunting and prayed that if God existed he would send a moose to him without taking another step. A moose came straight at him and when the moose was less than 50' away he finally had the gun loaded and dropped the moose. God said this is nothing for me. You will see greater things. From that day on I've served the Lord. It took some struggles to die to self. Do you really love me? Jesus asked. My life changed so dramatically. I became a new creation. God was making all mankind his friends. God said go and share the good news.
Enjoy your faith walk. You are a new creation. It's wonderful and we have heaven to look forward to. When my vitals stopped a few years ago I had a taste of heaven. The angels were with the doctor and staff that day.
Hecla pastor John: in volunteering with Siloam I have realized there are lots of needs. Today's offering is for the Riverton Food Bank. It is not government funded. Your donations keep it going. 50 families need this every week. You can also volunteer.
Riverton Lutheran church choir: A wonderful savior is Jesus my Lord.
Oh come angel band and bear me away in your snowy wings to my immortal home.
Children's feature: A sheep story. Little lamb what are you doing out there by yourself? I have a shepherd that looks after me but I ran away and got hurt and scared. Then my shepherd called and I was so happy to respond. I heard all the wolves howling and when I heard my shepherds voice I responded so happily. Now I'm happy to be in the fence my shepherd built. Jesus is the good shepherd who looks after us. He loves you. Jesus loves me this I know. The Bible tells me so.
Special Music: Willie Nelson song. That Bible on the table. Dad would read to us from the family Bible. I can see us sitting round the family and hear my mother softly singing rock of ages cleft for me. If we only had more Bibles on the family table.
Thrift Shop story: Luanna Friesen. A black garbage bag. Could contain the remnants of a life well lived. I work as a volunteer. I'm swiss. Amish. I never met a perhogie till I moved to Manitoba. The thrift shop is what keeps me busy. I belong to Christ you belong to Christ I belong. I bring hope to the world. 34 years ago Ruben and I were invited to join the thrift shop start up. We served on the board for 20 years. Volunteered there for 40 hours a month bridging the gap between the black garbage bag and hope.
Special Music: His Church song by Ruth Dyck and daughter. Be encouraged it is His church. The cornerstone is in place. It's God's church. Not yours not mine.
Faith Story: young man's story: The Crazy Farmer. Wanted to do things differently. By hand. He seeded each seed by hand and watered it all by hand. Even seed that was planted many years ago. He never gave up. God is like that, caring for each of us and never giving up hope. Theology is trying to understand the logic of God. Jesus gave himself and died for us. Let's sing Amazing Grace.
Music Ministry: Amazing Grace. Sam & Barb
Closing and Prayer: Dwight Plett
We have seen people working together and we are having potluck
Closing song Jesus loves me sung in all the languages simultaneously.