Sunday, September 14, 2014

Discipleship & Learning

Pastor Bruxy at
Exists to make disciples of Jesus.
To say "Jesus is Lord" is to say...
1. Jesus is the center of everything
2. Jesus shows us what God is like
3. I choose to be an apprentice of Jesus (250 times the NT calls us that)

To be a physical mentor. Being mentored by our leader. Who is not visible. We need The Book

We are saying follow me as I follow Christ.
Rom 10:8-9
Matt 28:18-20
2 Tim 2:2 I have taught Timothy to teach others who will teach others
1 Cor 4:14-17
Jesus is Lord is a challenge for western Christians.
Follow me and I will make you fishers of people.
If you ever say I have it all figured out you have pride and you go back to the beginning.
When we teach we learn. Seneca.
FROSH your homework is to teach one person what you learn each week.
Are you coming back next week? We want to grow the Christian. Home church should be a safe place. Sunday mornings are the invitation for everyone to explore Christ.
Hospitality says join us in our environment. No need to prepare a big entertainment dinner.
Be friendly. Initiate conversation. Practice hospitality.
The protege effect. Find one person who is alone and be their friend.

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