Sunday, May 24, 2015

Meeting House Love and Gentleness
Baptism at 2:30 today at the Baptist church
Raised $208,000 worth of clothes for MCC.

Week 6 Love Joy Peace

Gentleness meekness are the same Greek Word
Love is expressed in joy peace patience kindness goodness
Means power that is restrained. Bear reproach without revenge.
Gentleness is not for women only. Not pacivity. Not weakness. Helping others get better. Strength that serves. Power under control.
My strength is on your side. St Bernard Rescue Dogs are born to help. I'm strong enough to serve you.

Galatians 5.22 will start a summer series on Exodus.
Let us keep in step with the spirit. Restore mend set a broken bone. With a spirit of Gentleness.
The law of Christ means the way of Christ. Love is the way of Christ.

Help someone who has been overtaken by sin. Gently. Help someone today.
Gentleness is for everyone. Be completely humble. Blessed are the gentle for they will Win new territory. Gentleness from Wisdom. Kind to everyone. Opponents must be gently instructed. How you respond says who you are.

Pray for pastors and teachers. They easily switch to an angry voice. Anger and judgment and a zeal for holiness sometimes take over and the angry voice becomes confusing the love of Jesus.

Our society celebrates fame and accomplishments but not gentleness.

Jesus is our model in humility and gentleness. Catch the vision.

"Come to me. .. My burden is light. You get rest" Freedom of relationship with God. Freedom from the world of religion.
Gayle D Erwin.

We mourn with those who mourn the victims. Sorrow grieves with others. Anger zeroes in on the perpetrator.

Gentleness says I will serve you for the best of all. Paul publicly rebuked Peter about the wrong attitude.
Have we lost the ability to grieve? There are people who come alongside and help bear each other's burden.

What does it mean to be filled with the spirit of gentleness?
Prayer. Heavenly father thank you for the mentorship of Christ. Lead us.

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