Grant Barkman chair
Listen without judgement. Stay relevant work with other agencies to provide a safe living room. Welcome the people with bondage and help them.
Dave Fulawka who's coming alongside? Independent and interdependence. Find a sweet spot for ministry and stay there to be successful. Continue to donate.
Gerald Dyck MBCMB C2C this is a unique church. Available and obedient to help people on the margins. We should all be like that.
Dave Ens
The church is a sending body. Moving sending going reconciling.
Matthew 28 assumes you are going and proclaiming. Moving. Leaving behind.
The Lord said go for blessings. Even when not all the pieces are in place. God will help us even through the fear we have.
Jonah 1.1,3 he fled from God. But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord . He went down to the port of Joppa, where he found a ship leaving for Tarshish. He bought a ticket and went on board, hoping to escape from the Lord by sailing to Tarshish.
Jonah 1:3 NLT
The call makes you more complete if you follow it. There's a call to move. It's hard to untangle ourselves.
Too often we tell people but we don't go with them. We sit in one place. We don't know what it means to follow Jesus. We see it modeled by the people who come from Eastview.
Tuesday lunch and learn makes a real difference to these people.
Commissioning. Read:
Lord's Supper we are one in Christ
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