Monday, November 03, 2008

Affair Proofing Your Marriage Pastor Delbert
The Brad Pitt of the ancient world lived in the big shot's house. Potiphar's wife wanted sex with him. She grabbed Joseph's cloak and he ran out of the house naked. He ended up in jail charged with attempted rape. What would we do?
God created man and woman and said it is very good. God made everything for us to enjoy.
Outside of marriage sex is destructive.
Heb 13:4 give honour in marriage.
Potiphar's wife had unmet needs - no children. Her emotional drive was unmet. Do not deprive sexual intimacy in a marriage relationship. Potipher was too busy to satisfy his wife. He accused Joseph because the incident created social shame.
Joseph's mother was the youngest wife's son. Joseph grew up with preferantial treatment set to inherit the family empire.
Joseph was deprived in this Egyptian environment. He knew he was responsible to God.
Pornography on the internet is one of the biggest problems today.
2 Tim 2:22 run from lusts.
Do not get emotionally engaged with wrong things. Physical touch can start the sexual drive and take you to places God does not want you to go.
What excuse do you have not to be faithful?
Do not break the covenant of love with God. Jer 31:3 God gave his love to us.
Get back to God - renew your covenant and sign it today.
We get together as a family. When we share in the Lord's table, we are in a covenant relationship as a family of God. This is between God and you.

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