Friday, April 06, 2012

GOOD Friday - By his wounds we are healed
Choir all dressed in black
I am Peter I turned my back on my best friend
Come walk with me
Soldier: I put lots of men on crosses because I have to. It's disgusting. Murderers and thieves deserve it. This Man does not deserve it. You want him executed. Why?
Father forgive them they know not what they do.
We mocked him and spat on him. We brought him here to Golgotha - the place of the skull. We crucified him and cast lots for his clothes. Not much of a king now
Father forgive them they know not what they do.
Sister of thief: My brother got caught up in the wrong crowd. If only he would have found Jesus earlier.
I heard Jesus say to him Truly I say you will be with me in paradise.
Your sins erased today. Today you will be with me in paradise.
Finally we will be rid of him. If he is the Son of God let him get off the cross.
Mary mother of God: My son! You died for our sin. God forgive my unbelief - I know you were born for this. God send your angels to minister to my son! I heard him breathe his last. Words of care and love. Oh God give me strength
See his weeping mother stand with his weeping friends hear Him say Woman behold your son friend behold your mother Care for one another.
The shepherdess remembers his birth: Suddenly the skies were filled with angels. We ran to the stable. I will never forget that holy night. Where are the angels now? How could they watch this? How could God allow it?
How deep the Father's love for us. His dying breath has brought me life. His wounds have paid my ransom.
Drama - I thirst.
God came to this earth sending his only Son to the people he created.
Jesus told us He would go away but we would see him again and rejoice.
Cool clear water. One day I came to him I was so thirsty. He gave me water but for that he died. He said I thirst yet he made the rivers. He made the seas. In His Great Thirst He brought water to me.
Pastor Dave
The greatest achiement is usually a display of strength. Not The cross. But He is still in control. He put himself on the cross. Willingly. Something comes out of it. Your freedom and mine.
Jesus instituted the eucharist communion Lord's table. Take it eat it remember.
If you understand the profound magnificent defeat please take part in the Lord's Supper. We are thankful for what you offer us.
Music: Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Do you tremble?
"Take and eat in remembrance of me."

This Cup holds the promise of life.

On an April evening the Lamb of God. On a Cross

Drink the cup of promise. Or this dark day we call good. Reflect. May God bless you.

Children's choir
God loves his children so he sent his son to save us.
Choir & solo
My God why hast thou forsaken me?
Into thy hands I commit my Spirit. It is finished. Amen.
Truly he was the Son of God.
Maryanne on the violin.

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