Sunday, March 17, 2013

How the Resurrection Changed Everything. A Great Expense
Pastor Delbert Enns

John 12.1-8
Mary's great expense. Why wasn't the perfume sold and money given to the poor?
Passover was coming. This was the 3rd recorded Passover with Jesus. This one was in Bethany. This is where Jesus raised Lazarus.
Jesus has a price  on his head. He knew that he would soon be crucified. He would become the new Passover lamb. Here he was with Simon the leper. They were Ceremonial unclean.
Here he was with unclean people. He was safe from the self righteous religious leaders. Jesus loves a party. We are in the party! Martha is serving. That was her love language. Lazarus had his own love language. Praising Jesus. Mary was always at the lowest place worshipping at the feet of Jesus!
The value of the perfume was $50,000 or more. She worshiped fully. She undid her hair to dry Jesus's feet. She held nothing back. She laid it all on the alter.
We tend to think that spare giving is good enough.
Some of us are with Judas. Criticize what is going on.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit.
This is not about Mary. It's the story of Jesus. For those who have no hope there is hope. We are invited to Jesus's hope. Worship him who is worthy of praise.

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