Greg Armstrong
Women know what's right or wrong. The Samaritan woman was the 1st missionary.
Jesus poured his love into her even though she was the one everyone whispered about. He released her from the pain of shame. She expected condemnation. Jesus really saw her. He assured her she was significant. Grace mercy salvation. We all need it.
What are we afraid of? Are we stuck in the iceberg syndrome? 90% under water? Do we try to hide in drugs? Ikta? I know this already?
1. Hurt. Brought on by you or others. Happy are you if you are spiritually poor. God can fix you.
2. Hangups. Fading dreams. Let God renew you.
3. Habits. Hurts and hang ups become your normal. Being robbed of hope.
Communion. For those who understand what Jesus did for us. If you are coming with all kinds of hurts hangups and habits God can give you hope. If this is your 1st understanding of communion, please come up and pray for new life. Come now and partake.
Jesus took bread broke it and gave it to his disciples. "Do this in remembrance of me."
Bless the Lord oh my soul worship his holy name.