Saturday, April 27, 2013

Teresa Siemens Thiessen funeral

The church was filled by 1 and the other big church served as an overflow.

She bounced into heaven and lit up the place with her beaming smile and twinkle in her eyes.
Stefan (nephew) liked his aunt so very much. She told him he was her favorite. He will sing for her. Don't let her death separate you from God. We will sing now. Aunt Teresa and a million angels will be joining us. Songs: My savior lives. He died to be my savior.
Our God is greater awesome in power. If our God is with us who can stand against us?
Amazing grace how sweet the sound! My chains are gone I've been set free! My God my savior has ransomed me.
All is well with my soul he is God in control. I know not all his plans but I know I'm in his hands.
Teresa was 42. She died Monday of a heart attack just like her dad and other cousins.
Obituary Kurt and Colleen, siblings
Anthony and 3 children Pierce 14 Payton 13 Gabrielle 9
Teresa is organizing a big party in heaven for her family.
Song: I will rise Jesus has overcome the grave. I will rise on eagles' wings. by nieces nephews
Tribute to mom: Payton: mom was so wonderful. Mom called me her twin and rebel child. Mom borrowed my clothes and I borrowed hers.

Tribute by Anthony: Loneliness. Fly to the Angels, song by Slaughter. Handwritten tribute not readable on the screen.
Wish someone would read his tribute and cut out the awful noise.

We interviewed her brother Eric at one point.

Eulogy Jennifer and Bailey
Funny laughter fun jokes work biking hiking running never sit still Slurpee lover
Consider it Done business startup

Devotional - Pastor John Driedger
Recurring theme. Enthusiasm, energy. How can empty cliches comfort me?
She did so many things. 200th EMC conference she knew when to say no. She did everything with enthusiasm. She did children's interviews and she knew exactly how to things whole heartedly. She always got things done. Organized spontaneous almost perfect, she served God. She was a follower of Jesus. She proved it was fun to trust Jesus. 
Teresa knew she had a genetic heart defect. But she served Jesus with her whole heart.
Jesus conquered death. He gifts us with his righteousness. That would bring her into God's presence in heaven.

Teresa had her name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. She heard the words of welcome this Monday when she arrived at the heavenly gates. Her reservation had been made.

Song: When I Get Where I'm Going the first thing I'm doing is to spread my wings and fly. Don't cry for me down here. There will be only happy tears.
I'll stand forever in the light of my amazing makers face.

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