Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blessed are the merciful
5pm worship gathering
Ken Mitchell music
Paul Johansen Pastoral Care
Let us honor those gave so much and remember the One who gave his all.
Song. Your grace is enough.
Lord have mercy on us.
Gospel Encouragement. Passing the Peace
Hosanna Praise is rising
Kids Church. This is multi generational church.

God be with you.... and also with you! to make Christmas more meaningful. Worship fully. Spend less. Give more. Love all.
The average Canadian spends $1200 each Christmas much of it on gifts no one needs.

Pastor Paul
Merci bouquet!
Mercy me
Lord have mercy on me a sinner.
Bob Dillon when his career was flagging produced a CD entitled O Mercy. Everything is broken is a title that talks about the brokenness of the world.
Mercy is hard to define. Strong emphasis to enter into the brokenness of others. Tenderness meekness kindness
Willingness to forgive. Let others off the hook.
Psalm 28. Hear my cry for mercy.
Daniel prayed for mercy.

Micah. This is what God is asking you to do.
Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God.

Blessed are the merciful they will be shown mercy. He saved us because of His mercy.
Les Miserables the book. 83 year old mom just read it. She was moved. Quite a story she said.
Only the grace of God can change us from the inside out.
Lord have mercy for those in the path of the typhoon.
Lord treat us in a way we don't deserve.
For Mayer Ford, Lord have mercy.
We need to show mercy every day.

Did Micah do an about face? Do the right thing but at the end of the day, walking with God is very personal. Mercy comes when you extend mercy.
Ps 103 God knows who we are. How fragile we are.
Paraphrase the beatitudes. Show you understand them.

Song. I'm getting down to the mercy seat.
Here is love vast as the ocean.

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