Sunday, November 02, 2014

Outrageous Generosity

C2C promo video is a result of outreach and helping to change the inner city of Winnipeg.
Mark Burch. With C2C:

Ottawa church was a giant urban church who now has 3 church plant couples starting inner city churches.

Our personal lives. 2 Cor 8 the church gave themselves generously. Jesus was rich and gave it up for us.

Generosity is not just about money. Unselfish. Large. Abundant as in slice of pie.
It's about a way of life rooted in the gospel. There is a generous person inside each of us. Genesis 1 we are made in the image of God. The family traits of God are in our DNA.
2. The gospel is a gospel of generosity. There is nothing we can do to help ourselves. We are born sinful. We don't have to teach children to sin. How can I get right with God? Can't be done by us. Jesus has done it for you.
The great exchange. The substitute is Jesus. That's outrageous generosity.

3. If you're not generous you don't get the gospel. Generous living is in Jesus. Generosity is there from cover to cover. God blesses so you can be generous.
The Jewish rules required people to take a lot of time off. So they could be generous. Jesus asked us to lay down our lives. So we can be blessed.
On our own we can't be generous. We need Jesus to make us generous.
Thanks be to God. He gave us the very best.

What are the barriers to release that generosity gene? You think you don't have enough? Check the widow's donation. Too old? Tell the 84 year old widow. Boca Roton church Spanish River Presbyterian planted 100s of new churches including 4 C2Cs in Canada.
If God gave you $37mm how much could you do with that. This church family earns that each year. Based on statistics. If you made more than $50,000 last year you are wealthier than 99% of the world's population.

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