Pastor Aubrey Krahn
Plants need water and soil. You are that. You have opportunities to grow the kingdom. There are people who need you.
God wants more from you. When God taps you on the shoulder he gives strength. John 14:27
"Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.
Who gives peace? Jesus. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Say it. I have the peace of God. Jesus's Peace comes from the inside. The world's peace is from the outside. Everything is as it should be and I have outside peace. The world's peace.
Know and understand the inside. That transcends all understanding. Jesus gave us an inside peace.
What's going on inside? Jesus has planted peace. What stops His peace?
Jesus, is this me? The Holy Spirit wants to speak to you. Our potholes slow us down. Things don't work. Why? Why me? Don't stay there. Don't demand that God tell you why.
This is not nice fluffy stuff? Does the Creator of the universe owe you an answer? Job found out. God's thoughts are higher. We wouldn't get it. Our view is so small. His is so big. I think I need to know why. That does not bring peace. Rest in God and He will give you peace.
When the teacher gives the test he is silent. God wants you to fight through. He lets us learn and grow. No need to demand yo know why. Happily ever after doesn't work.
Trust his loving care.
A lady with serious cancer said she was ok. She spent her life in the peace of God. She had built a chapel in her heart.
Don't let resentment build a roadblock in your life.
We just don't know everything. Go back to what you know.
1 we live in a broken world and people make bad choices
2 God has a greater purpose.
3 God is more interested in my character than my comfort. He loves you. He comes after you. You are more than a conqueror. One son is really struggling. When your kids hurt you hurt. What if God called you to be a father to a boy that struggles. Be the best dad you can be to him. Even if it involves pain.
Psalm 131
Lord , I have given up my pride and turned away from my arrogance. I am not concerned with great matters or with subjects too difficult for me. Instead, I am content and at peace. As a child lies quietly in its mother's arms, so my heart is quiet within me. Israel, trust in the Lord now and for ever!
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