Mom had 11 children I was the middle. Now I'm an orphan.
52 years of memories. How she did this?
She expressed her appreciation
Monday was laundry day.
Tuesday mending and ironing
Friday bake day
Saturday cleaning day
Sunday was church day and rest. And prayer. She prayed faithfully. God heard her prayers.
All 11 children are Jesus followers.
She built trust.
She sent birthday cards to all. She made gifts with 25 pennies from the year of birth for each of her grandchildren when they turned 25.
On their 16th birthday
1949 Plymouth car they rode to the wedding and to their 25th and 50th
She worked at the Thrift Shop a lot.
She and aunt Minna had a special relationship
3 times dad built her a new house. She was a perfectionist. Each house had some imperfections. Now she has a perfect house in heaven. May her family circle be unbroken.
Grandkids: love you grandma.
Always enjoyed grandma's house her smile hugs and sweets
Joel 2 decades ago got a call about who dug holes in the garden. Wild boars had dug holes in the garden.
Krista and I loved to comb her hair.
She loved to play games with the grandchildren.
Rej loved her cooking
Andre. Loved the cookies
Never thought this day will come. Will cherish your smile. Hug grandpa now.
I will miss your gentle smile and "Come in"
Walter Hamm. Musical tribute. I'm just going over Jordan.
Vic Neufeld. NKMB pastor
She had a Bible at every station in her home.
Got to know mom.
Isaiah spoke words of healing. The sun will never set.
Darkness can be scary.
11 children is like a small nation. Her hospital room was often crowded.
Mom had lots of humor. She'd say things in the negative.
Monday 2 pm at Mennville EMC Church Abe's shiny old car
Rock of Ages cleft for me
Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus
When we all get to heaven
Grandma's wedding song
Hold to God's Unchanging Hands
Build your hopes on things eternal.
I can only imagine what it will be like
Pastor Dave Thiessen
We come together to share
1969 memory about Abe and Annie Brandt the cutest family in Mennville. Well dressed and combed. Dad Brandt sat with the boys. All well prepped. Prepared and well behaved. Mom sat with the girls.
Thank God.
Today is a time to mourn and weep. A time to dance.
Grief is the emotional response to loss of the loved one.
Physical spiritual loneliness.
Grief is healthy and normal response to loss.
Jesus grieved. Prophets grieved. Read Psalms and Lamantations
Grief is a journey. Sometimes a long one
Grief is the inevitable result of having loved.
Evidently the Brandt has loved. Tell your stories and laugh and cry. Tears and laughter are first cousins.
Talk it out. Write it out. Take counseling. Experience God and let it grow.
Practice good memories. Celebrate the God who cares. Don't forget your history with God. God will not forget us. Please remember God.
Remember your mom who she was
3. Hope is looking into the future expecting good things.
Jesus went through suffering FOR us. Annie followed Jesus. He is our first fruit. 1 Corinthians 15
Christ the first fruit.
Grief and loss is not the last word. We will follow.
Following Jesus means he is first and we follow. All wrongs will be made right.
We commit Annie into God's care and keeping. May she rest in peace.
We all depend on God's grace. Food next door.
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