Sunday, October 13, 2019

Appreciation Pieces of Eight

Pastor Mark Hughes
10 lepers were healed
The Samaritan was thankful
The Jews hated them. They hated the Jews
Lepers were cursed and ostracized. They stood afar off. A heart breaking situation.
They knew who Jesus was. As they went to the priest they were healed. Why did only one come back to say thanks?
1. Appreciate small things
2. Others
3. Greatness of God 
1. We miss the blessings of small things. The opposite of gratitude is grumbling complaining. God hates grumbling. Do things without complaining. Who was grumbling when it started snowing? 
Children of Israel were champions in grumbling. 
They ate angel food cake every day and then they complained. God gave them quail until they vomited it out. 
How many of you did your business and hugged your toilet? 
Had clean drinking water? Food to choose? 
Has an 18 year old van. Being thankful for what you have is very liberating. My dream car is a red Tesla S. My wood said do it. The good life only exists if we're happy with what you have. 
2. Appreciate others. Don't feel sorry for the people who are not sorry for themselves. Went to a village of stick homes. Outlaw town everybody steals. Learn to love their neighbors sermon. They stole the gas. They did not appreciate others. 
What are the magic words? Please and you. Now abracadabra and no thank yous. 
Create a culture of appreciation. That's what we do. 
Norman Vincent Peele said find one person to show appreciation. The guy wrote a letter to his teacher. By the end of his life he had written 500 thank you letters and lived a happy life. 
3. God's greatness. Young girl could hardly walk. Prayed for her told her to run around the room. She's completely healed and thankful. 
Attitude of gratitude. Will change your life! 

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