I love you - written in red
It is finished! Hear the dying Saviour cry. Hallelujah glory to the Lamb!
Who has believed it. He was despised and carried our sorrows. Our failure was laid on Him.
What wondrous love is this? When I was sinking down God's grace was reaching down. I will sing through eternity.
The soldiers mocked him and crucified him.
O sacred head now wounded.
John 1. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The unblemished Lamb. The best you have. In O.T. times they managed the sin by continuously sacrificing the best lambs. Shuffled and deflected.
God placed on Jesus all our sin. We come face to face with our darkness.
Behold the Lamb of God who TAKES AWAY the sin of the world. He did it once and FOR ALL. He removed the power of sin to control us.
We are now FRIENDS of God. Forgiveness on the cross.
Jesus instituted a symbol. We want to participate in this ancient symbol today. Embrace the forgiveness Jesus offers.
May you be blessed as you partake.
This is His body broken for you. He listens gently dries the tears from their eyes. Poured out and broken for you.
The cup signifies a new covenant. A new promise. Jesus steps in to take our burden. Open up your hands come to me. I will wash you clean. You are no longer slaves.
Take a cup drink it. Embrace what Jesus offers. Drink my blood and be forgiven.
My Jesus I love thee, you purchased my pardon on Calvary's. Tree. If ever loved you my Jesus it's now.
Jesus cried out with a loud voice.
This was God' s son.
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