50th Anniversary coming!
Pastor Daryl, Pastor Carter
Message bt Cal Vazina. He works for NavCanada from Timmons ON
7 minute coffee break
LOTS of bugs. Keep your mouth closed. Need lots of dental floss.
Daryl was his mentor. 1st message he gave was from Jonah 1:1
Matt 28:16 Jesus is alive. "Surely I am with you to the end of the age"
Robert Wier wrote Oh Canada. 30% of our national anthem repeats the phrase Stand on guard. How well do we stand on guard?
Daniel prayed for the people. They had been exiled for 68 years. He knew that he needed to pray fervently for his people. His people needed grace.
If we want to stand on guard for our country we need to pray for our nation.
Paul wrote to the Ephesians from prison. It is a lot of fun serving God in Canada. It was no fun being in prison.
A dark dungeon. A hole in the ground.
If we don't stand for the gospel, who will?
Paul asked people to pray for him to have the right words. So others will find Christ.
Canada is the 5th richest country in the world.
Paul was rotting in prison yet he felt blessed.
We are blessed when we are strong in the Lord. How is your devotion time with God? Next time you walk by your gaming centre kneel in front of it and worship it.
The people who worship God are blessed. Then you become a blessing to others. Pray that God will make you a blessing to others today.
Jeremiah says that God knew me before I was born. Our job is to spread the good news and to be a blessing to others.