Download Airship Genesis game Pathways to Jesus
July 4th is a privilege to be in New York
Each time you read Scriptures it jumps out at you.
2 Peter May grace and perfect peace cascade over you as you live in the rich knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
2 Peter 1:2 TPT
People who follow 2 Peter will never stumble
But continue to grow and increase in God's grace and intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May he receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Amen!
2 Peter 3:18 TPT
Marriages fail because of slow leaks.
So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness, and to goodness add understanding,
2 Peter 1:5 TPT
Education is always a plus. You find out what you didn't know. I still have things to learn.
This is Peter's exit letter. Nero was emperor. He ended up crucified upside down. These were the final words to his congregations. Grow in grace. 14 times Peter said knowledge. There is no premium for ignorance.
You need to know what you know. All your mind to love God.
1.0 I will follow Jesus. Like the disciples did. Day by day wherever He went. Jesus said I AM THE TRUTH. Get in line with him.
What is a Christian? You have an opportunity to become a Christian. Decision. We become Christ followers.
1.1 Move from the shoreline. Disciple was a follower. Long before they were called Christians. Say I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ. I'm a learner. Mathew 4 I'll make you fishers of men. Jesus was the ultimate story teller. Tell a story to open the truth. Follow Jesus and he'll change your life. Lord you have a plan for me. I want to follow. When you follow Jesus your life gets exciting. Get away from your comfort zone.
1.2 Move from Head Knowledge to Heart Knowledge. A pastor's job is to teach.
God gave us brains for a reason. Knowledge here means the most intimate relationship there is. It's not knowing about but to know personally.
2.0 I will study you
2.1 Study His Word as a textbook. Start there. Not stop there. It's a treasure trove direct from God. Today more than ever, we have resources like never before. There is still a lot I have to learn. Underline the words "these things". There are new things you'll learn. That brings healing. The living Word is in the written Word. If you want to know Christ know his Word. Ruth Bell Graham: Have a special place to study the Bible. Take notes. Always keep your Bible open. Study every day. Start with 10 minutes. Started to journal when he had cancer 20 years ago. What a rich time it was! Millennials have fall fallen in love with the Word again. What does the Bible have to say.
2.2 Study His Word as a survival guide. You are in a storm or going into one or coming out of one.
18 year old Aldi was adrift for months. After 49 days it rained. He read the Bible. The Lord's Prayer became so real. 66 installments from God.
Don't wait until you're in trouble. Storms are coming. Know where the promises are. Isaiah has more than any other book.
3.0 I will obey
3.1 Be prepared to Change your Values. Get in the Word. When you fall in love Jesus old things fall away and things become new.
3.2 Be prepared to Change your Vision. Tony Evans said the Bible is the vision.
It's not a doorstop. Go find it. Read something every day. Practice.
The best way to get to heaven is through the front door shouting Hallelujah.
Watch this on October 6, 2019
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