Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday Nov. 13

Click on the headline above to see Bernie's web pics. Click here to see our pics of the weekend.

Karalee and I went to Trinity Baptist. The pastor's topic was: "Why do good people suffer?" His text was Ecclesiastes 7:15-29. This is how he put it : "There are no good people, so bad things don't happen to good people except Christ himself. All the good things that happen to us are by God's grace, and not anything we deserve. No one is good except God alone. How could a good and just God allow a sinner like Keith (the pastor) make it to 45? We don't measure up to God's holiness. Grasp the idea of being humble. The more we follow God the more we'll realize how sinful we really are. God uses suffering to grow us. To help us see we need Him. CS Lewis wrote in The Problem of Pain: 'God whispers in good times. Pain is His megaphone.' The life God has for me is grace upon grace upon grace."

Renee got a bacteria called Clostridium difficile. They suspected that's what it would be a few days ago when she first had the symptoms, so they started her on metronidazole and by now the symptoms have dissappeared, but she has to be in isolation for 7 days. Her counts today were: platelets 36, Hgb 7.9, WBC 0.1. They are starting a red cell transfusion. She has some pain when they run the transfusion too fast. She does not have a central line at this point.

Alayna took the early flight via Montreal to get home to Winnipeg. Karalee leaves at noon tomorrow.

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