Saturday, April 09, 2011

Campus Dessert Evening 2011

Some 250 people showed up at wpg Convention Centre for the 7th annual dessert.
Kevin Huska, director, has been working with Campus for 20 years.
3,000 people filled out survey cards this year, goal of 5000 for 2011 with a goal of 280 in studies.
Christian students are learning to share their faith. Many students are coming to know Jesus. They are being encouraged to ''Stump a Christian".
ICraveFreedom program to show what human slavery is like. This starts January 2012 with simulcast.
12 students are going on outreach projects. They need support. Less than 1% of Quebec is Christian. Funding is hard for those workers. They are the un-reached of Canada.

The internet reaches millions. ''Dreams about Jesus" is an effective outreach.
Budget is $290,000 a year. Will start reaching out to U of W.
Step out in faith to reach out and give. 1. Cash 2. Monthly 3. Faith promise to give more than you can.
Special Music - Aikenhead & Jansen - Desert Song. This is my prayer in the desert. Hillsong
Reaching university students is so important because they are the leaders of tomorrow. They will go around the world and impact the whole world.
Chinese student came here in May, accepted Christ in October, now wants to be a missionary.
Paraguyan music student went to the Campus student meeting where she discovered authentic Christians.
Lorne & Ingrid - Mark Twain: "I never let my schooling interfere with my education"
Kevin and team are worth supporting. Our sons wife became a Christian through Power to Change.

Dr Kirk Durston. New Scholars Society. Guest Speaker. The strategic importance of reaching University students. Our political leaders were all university students in Canada when they were 18-24 years old. Our Supreme Court Justices were university students. 130,000 students come to Canada each year from other countries. Change the university and you change the world.
I got trained by Dave Beck at U of M. "fear is no excuse" and shared the gospel with a student who brought another student, a scientific agnostic, who also become a Christian and has become an influencial leader.
There are so many others. Enormous consequences. The skin-head student became a Christian. The work is not in vain. We will be astounded when we get to heaven.
Change the university and you will change the world. Change the spiritual climate.
Table Hosts: Please hand out the donation envelopes. Read the donation envelope word for word. Ask everyone to write their name on it. Pause. Please fill out the donation amount. We need gifts of $200, 5000, 10,000 after we pray. Pray. Please take time now to fill out the envelope while we play some music.
The ushers will come to pick up your donation envelope. You have time. It's not 9 PM yet.

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