Sunday, February 10, 2013

Relationships: The Log & the Speck

Video vignette: I will not press charges. All I ask is that you change. I'm sorry.

Pastor Del

The depth of our relationships is proportional to how much reveal about ourselves.
Prov 28:13 conceal transgressions=not prosper. Confession leads to compassion.
Matth 7:1-5 judge not. Take the log out of your eye so you can take the speck out of your neighbour's eye. We build walls. I'm not as good as you think I look.
We have shortcomings.
Bitterness is cutting.

What is your body language? Do you roll your eyes at everyone? Are you legalistic?  Is there a root of bitterness? It is always destructive.
The Mark. See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God. Release the other person  of their debt. Forgiveness is at the core of the gospel. Release.
If you forgive others you will be forgiven.
The Nature. Unforgiveness creates trouble. Pointing the speck in other's eyes. Let all bitterness be put away.
The Result: If we let bitterness build up in our lives it defiles.

Rebuild. Forgive, release. Put on a heart of compassion. Love, the perfect bond of unity.
Justice. To pay back.
Mercy. God doesn't give us what we deserve.
Grace. Getting good that we don't deserve.

Panel discussion.
Jim Cory Lisa Jesse
Focus on annoyance and it gets me out of my anger.
Remove the log and you can see clearly.
As Jesus forgives true forgiveness does not keep score. It wipes the slate clean. God commands us to listen. We can be right.
Unrealistic expectations cause upset. Why do we feel upset? There is more to the story.
The most valuable things in life you can't put a price on. Relationships. Grace.
Anger is a choice.
There is brokenness in life. Is there hope?
God loves everyone of us. Turn it over to Jesus and there is hope.
Tackle the issues. Pray with others. Take the risk. Talk to a friend that needs healing. Pray with them.

Why do loved ones have to die? I am the thorn in your brow but, Jesus, you loved me anyway.

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