Sunday, March 01, 2015

Indiscriminate Peace making

Dave Ens
In 2006 the world was shocked at what happened in an Amish community when a gunman killed the school girls. Even more shocking was the forgiveness they offered.
That was just what the Amish do.
That was so right so unrealistic so strange.
Who are people going to find when they come here? Who are we?
Luke has lots to say. Heather read the story of the good Samaritan. What must I do? Love your neighbour. Who is that? The good Samaritan. Why did that man go there by himself? His life was fading. The priest and the religious leader walked by in the other side. That was what they were expected to do. They had to stay ceremonially clean.
The twist in the story is that a despised Samaritan that Jews hated, "came near and pitied him" and took care of him. The neighbour had a very unexpected response. He covered the expenses.
How to bring peace to our world. Peace is the kingdom of God. In living in peace we lead others to God. Go into dangerous places and bring peace. Live in peace. Blessed are the peace makers. That is what a child of God does.
Ephesians 2. In Christ we are brought peace and broken down the wall of hostility.
Peace making is costly. Cost Jesus everything. We can be peace loving and cross the road in the other side. Peace making is costly. Difficult. Get off your ass and show love. Jesus is calling us into a way of life that makes peace. Live peace. It's woven into the fabric of the kingdom.
Jesus's peace is indiscriminate. Friend or foe. Bring them peace and Shalom. How am I going to respond?

Take that indiscriminate peace and share it this week.

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