Journey into Trust
I’m on this roller coaster
Inside a mountain
It is so dark
I can’t see a thing
I’m so scared
I’d crumble to my knees
But I’m strapped in.
I’m hanging on for dear life
I feel so out of control
Am I going to lose my glasses?
They do me no good in this dark world.
But I want to hang on to them.
I don’t know why I’m on this ride
How did I get here?
Was it my decision?
Or did someone talk me into it?
I don’t know.
I’m being pulled up and up and up
Then we go plunging into a fall
It seems like forever as I hold my breath
Too scared to scream
Just before we hit the bottom
We take a sudden turn.
The ride levels out for a while
I catch my breath
Suddenly we are spinning
Am I upside down or right side up?
Stop the ride!
I have to get off!
But we keep going.
Somewhere along the way
I’ve become aware that
I’m not alone
I feel His strong arms around me
He feels warm and comforting.
"I will hold You."
"I love you, I will always love You."
"I will never let you go."
“Don't be afraid.”
"It's going to be OK."
His words are so reassuring.
I’m counting on it
I lean on His shoulder
And hold His hand
I feel myself relaxing.
Thank you, Jesus.
I’m beginning to understand that you came
Not to explain away suffering and pain.
You came to fill it with your presence.
I’d rather be on this ride in the dark with You
Than alone in the light.
Martha Dueck
I’m on this roller coaster
Inside a mountain
It is so dark
I can’t see a thing
I’m so scared
I’d crumble to my knees
But I’m strapped in.
I’m hanging on for dear life
I feel so out of control
Am I going to lose my glasses?
They do me no good in this dark world.
But I want to hang on to them.
I don’t know why I’m on this ride
How did I get here?
Was it my decision?
Or did someone talk me into it?
I don’t know.
I’m being pulled up and up and up
Then we go plunging into a fall
It seems like forever as I hold my breath
Too scared to scream
Just before we hit the bottom
We take a sudden turn.
The ride levels out for a while
I catch my breath
Suddenly we are spinning
Am I upside down or right side up?
Stop the ride!
I have to get off!
But we keep going.
Somewhere along the way
I’ve become aware that
I’m not alone
I feel His strong arms around me
He feels warm and comforting.
"I will hold You."
"I love you, I will always love You."
"I will never let you go."
“Don't be afraid.”
"It's going to be OK."
His words are so reassuring.
I’m counting on it
I lean on His shoulder
And hold His hand
I feel myself relaxing.
Thank you, Jesus.
I’m beginning to understand that you came
Not to explain away suffering and pain.
You came to fill it with your presence.
I’d rather be on this ride in the dark with You
Than alone in the light.
Martha Dueck
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