Thursday, April 24, 2008

Passover Seder at TrinityNY

4 cups of wine represent 4 truths.
1. Sanctification
2. Plagues
3. Redemption
4. Praise
We were freed from Egypt
Freedom from slavery

We eat
1. Kiddush (parsley dipped in salt water) freed from Egypt
2. Karpas (horseradish)
3. Matzah the bread of faith there is a Greek word in the middle of the seder broken wrapped in white linen hidden redeemed at a price
salt water represents tears
4. (apples nuts mixture)
5. Roasted egg

Yeshua's blood is efficatious
Change and transformation results.

3. Redemption Cup was mamed centuries before Christ. When he lifted it and added "to remember the sacrifice" this makes it exciting

4. The Cup of Elijah. Invite Elijah to the Seder to prepare the cup again until all things have been fulfilled. We will all lift the 4th cup at then Mariage Supper of the Lamb

Next year in Jerusalem
Lashanah haba'ah b'yerashalayim

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