Friday, November 20, 2009

Compassionate Friends 25th Annual Candlelight Service

We Come together tonight in Memory of our precious children whose lights burnt so brightly yet so briefly. These children are forever a part of our lives.
We have come together again to express our love for them, and to celebrate our memories of them.
Again we light their special candles and we say their beloved names, Kris, Jason, Renee.
Our children
Remembered like a touching of the wind, in the smiles of other children, alive in silence and in absence, present.

I will remember you, will you remember me?
let not your life pass you by. Weep not for the memories

It breaks my heart in two to say goodbye to you.

As we light this candle representing grief, we symbolize our pain and sorrow and we acknowledge that our children have died and we must grieve.

With hope we light this candle knowing life and love are eternal and death is only a horizon. That horizon is only the limit of our sight. It is our fondest hope, that love will bring peace to each of us this Christmas.

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