Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update Jan 16, 08

Well, would you believe it? Here I am sitting and listening to the birds instead of the deafening roar of traffic in Manhattan! I am so thankful that Ray and I could have a little break together in Florida. Kara said I didn't need to come home. I needed to go south where it was warmer, she said. Even although it is not shorts weather here this week, it is a lot warmer than Manitoba where I have heard that it is -30 C.

Renee had a cousin coming to stay with her this week. Renee and Niki were sharing an apartment in Vancouver. Krista, another cousin is coming on Thursday. The timing is perfect. Renee is well enough that she can go out and do stuff when she is not at the day hospital, getting micafungin and what ever else needs to be done. It is such a nice change for her to have somebody other than her parents to keep her company. I?m so happy that it worked out this way.

Renee's platelet counts had only dropped from 38 on Friday to 36 on Monday. Thanks for praying that her platelet and hemoglobin counts will go up and stay up, so she won't need transfusions. Red cells were transfused on Thursday and the RBC was still good on Monday. Hopefully it will stay that way.

The CT scan which was supposed to be this week Friday was rescheduled for yesterday, which was Tuesday. She was coughing a bit, so they decided to do the scan sooner. Pray also that this infection in her lungs will clear up totally.

As far as the business issues go, we have gone through such an extreme range of emotions, from just feeling totally overwhelmed emotionally with the whole situation, frustration with the timing, to extreme anger, and so on and on, with an underlying faith that God is good and a prayer that somehow this too will bring glory to God. Satan was trying to use this to bring us down.

Ray and I again went to Trinity Baptist Sunday morning. We thank God for the dear brother we met there that ministered to us in this time of need. Then later at 6:00 we went to the Redeemer Presbyterian Church with Renee and Niki. The message was the second in a series on the book of Job, about HOW to get through suffering. Ray has the notes of that on his blog, if you are interested in reading more on that.

Thanks again a million for praying. God bless you and keep you.

359 E 68th Street Apt 2A, New York, NY 10065
Martha 917-751-0421
email phone Renee (917) 750-4128
Keep up to date by reading Renee's blog at

My blog

Martha's blog

Raymond 352.235.4688

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